The O.K. workings are about 1100 metres northwest of the Orphan Boy shaft (092INE003) and are reported to consist of an adit and two shafts that explore two mineralized zones. One shaft was sunk to a depth of 26 metres with east-west crosscuts at the 15-metre level aggregating 19.8 metres. In the west crosscut a body of chrysocolla was intersected. The second shaft is 6 metres deep with crosscuts along the surface. An adit was driven to crosscut the upper ore zone and intersected it 10.6 metres down and 4.5 metres in. The entire work is in dark green, medium-grained diorite of the Cherry Creek unit of the Late Triassic-Early Jurassic Iron Mask batholith. Mineralization consisted of bunches and streaks of chalcopyrite containing gold values.
Makaoo Development Company trenched in the vicinity of an old shaft about 3 metres deep, exposing several narrow oxidized sulphide veins near a fault that strikes 070 degrees and dips northward. The hostrock is Cherry Creek unit diorite with pink feldspar veins (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1956).
In 1964-65, Rolling Hills Copper Mines Limited conducted 14.9 line kilometres of induced polarization survey over widely spaced lines (914 metres apart), 102.8 kilometres of ground magnetometer survey and 68.4 kilometres of linecutting on their large holding of claims.