The Bruce (L.918) occurrence is located on a south facing slope, north of the Kettle River and northwest of the community of Midway.
Locally, a northeast trending band of skarn occurring at the contact of limestone and underlying sharpstone conglomerate which are cut by Eocence Coryell dikes, and is exposed in numerous old workings and in outcrop over an area of about 100 by 100 metres. Local pyrite, magnetite and chalcopyrite occur as disseminations, coarse clots and fracture fillings with abundant malachite staining in the skarn.
Work History
The first mention of claims in the vicinity of the Midway property is in 1898, when a 76 metre long tunnel is reported at the Bruce showings (on the former Bruce CG - L918). In 1909, considerable surface work was reported to have been done on the Bruce claim, and 190 tonnes of ore at an unknown grade was mined.
In 1966 and 1967, Granby Mining Co. completed magnetometer and IP surveys over parts of the Lois claim. Granby followed up with 518 metres of drilling on its claims which included the Lois claims and the Bruce Crown grant.
During 1978 through 1983 Maymac Explorations Ltd. staked the J Claims covered the area. They completed soil sampling and VLF/EM surveys.
In 2001 Gold City Industries Ltd. acquired both the “Midway” and Rainbow properties and amalgamated these properties to form a larger Midway property. At this time, Gold City completed a small exploration program consisting of rock geochemistry and limited vegetation, heavy mineral and silt sampling. Rock sampling yielded significant values in copper and gold in the Bruce and Texas area and gold and silver from the Midway Mine. A gold-mercury association was noted in the Texas and Bruce areas. Rock sampling yielded up to to 8.5 per cent copper and 1.1 grams per tonne gold from the Bruce area (as reported in Assessment Report 27158).
During 2008 through 2012, Grizzly Discoveries Inc. completed programs of rock and soil sampling on the area as the Copper Mountain claim black of the Greenwood property. During 2015 through 2018, Kinross Gold Corp. completed programs of geological mapping, geochemical (rock, soil and silt) sampling and diamond drilling on the area as the Midway property.