At the Rime, X, or Mus prospect on the East Arm Glacier, a thin zone of banded, massive sulphide occurs in a 2 metre thick, isoclin- ally folded limy black argillite bed within a basalt flow unit of the lower volcanic member of the Upper Triassic Tats Group. The zone increases in thickness, from several centimetres to about 30 centimetres, away from the fold hinge. Mineralization has been traced for about 20 metres and the magnetic signature continues for several hundred metres. Sulphides consist of pyrrhotite, pyrite, and chalcopyrite. A sulphide sample assayed 84 grams per tonne gold, 42 grams per tonne silver, 0.86 per cent copper, 0.03 per cent zinc and 0.01 per cent lead.