The Callison occurrence is located near the south bank of Callison Creek and approximately 300 metres northeast of Callison Lake.
The area is underlain by basaltic volcanic rocks of the Mississippian Slide Mountain Complex.
Locally, an andesite hosts a silicified shear zone containing 60 to 80 per cent angular clay-carbonate–altered fragments in a silica-carbonate-pyrite matrix. North- to northeast-trending quartz veins within the shear zone occur as discrete pods and lenses. Pyrite occurs as fine disseminations and as coarse cross-cutting bands.
In 1980, chip samples yielded up to 5.4 grams per tonne gold over 2.1 metres (Sample 1034; Assessment report 9116).
In 1981, drillhole MBC 81-7 yielded 1.1 grams per tonne gold over 4.3 metres (Assessment Report 10249).
In 2008, a 1.0-metre chip sample (5007261) from the occurrence area assayed 1.73 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 30623).
In 2019, three rock samples (19244-19246) assayed from 0.167 to 0.501 gram per tonne gold (Assessment Report 38989).
Work History
In 1939, Cominco Ltd. is reported to have developed a number of trenches on the area.
In 1977, Nu-Energy Development Corp. completed five diamond drill holes, totalling 324.0 metres, and a 29.0-line-kilometre ground electromagnetic (VLF) survey was completed on the BB, Up, Nora, FG 1, Mill, Val, Ned and Jennie Ext. claims.
During 1979 through 1982, Esso Resources Canada Ltd. completed programs of geological mapping, geochemical (rock, silt and soil) sampling, 1261.3 metres of diamond drilling, trenching and ground electromagnetic (VLF) surveys on the area as the McDame property.
In 1995, the area was held and examined by Cusac gold Mines Ltd. as the Table Mountain Gold property.
During 2008 through 2010, Hawthorne Gold Corp., later China Minerals Mining Corp., completed regional programs of geological mapping, geochemical (rock and soil) sampling and 11,657 line-kilometres of airborne magnetic, radiometric and electromagnetic surveys on the area as the Cassiar Gold property.
In 2019, Margaux Resources completed a program of prospecting, geological mapping and rock sampling on the area as the Cassiar Gold property. In 2020, Cassiar Gold Corp. completed a program of regional photogeological interpretation, prospecting and rock sampling on the Cassiar Gold property.