The Judo West occurrence is located at an elevation of approximately 1500 metres on a northeast-facing slope, west of Centreville Creek and approximately 4 kilometres north of the creeks’ junction with McDame Creek.
The area is underlain by limestones and dolomites of the Espee and Stelkuz formations, which are part of the Upper Proterozoic Ingenika Group. Conformably overlying the Stelkuz Formation are argillaceous sediments of the Lower Cambrian Boya Formation (Atan Group). A north-trending, high-angle fault separates the Espee and Stelkuz formations.
Locally, trench 1a has exposed a mixture of carbonates and argillaceous sediments of the Stelkuz Formation in an east-trending shear in a red-brown, sparry dolomite. A second trench (1b) exposed a 40-centimetre wide, northwest-trending shear zone in coarse-grained, sparry dolomite. A 1.0-metre oxide zone envelopes the shear hosting goethite and hematite with a 10-centimetre, bright-green zone containing scorodite plus galena and tetrahedrite. A third trench (2) is located approximately 100 metres downhill to the northeast of the previous trenches and exposed gossanous zones in a dolomite associated with shear zones.
In 1986, a 30-centimetre sample of the oxidized material taken across the shear exposed in trench 1a assayed 1.42 per cent lead, 0.49 per cent zinc, 41.5 grams per tonne silver and 0.03 per cent tin, whereas samples from trench 1b yielded values up to 1914 grams per tonne silver, 71.2 per cent lead, and 0.95 per cent zinc over 0.10 metre (Assessment Report 15558). Also at this time, a channel sample across the shear and oxidized zone in trench 1b assayed 2.04 per cent lead, 6.17 per cent zinc, 330.7 grams per tonne silver, whereas a sample (KR-675a) taken 25 metres southeast of trench 1b, which appears to be an extension of the mineralized zone, yielded 2.09 per cent lead, 0.42 per cent zinc, 0.235 per cent bismuth and 324.0 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 15558). A 0.1-metre channel sample (KR-683) of oxidized material from trench 2 assayed 2.19 per cent lead, 0.85 per cent zinc, 1.24 per cent antimony and 150.2 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 15558).
Work History
The area has been explored in conjunction with the nearby Judo (MINFILE 104P 095) occurrence, 1.5 kilometres to the southeast, and a complete exploration history can be found there.