The Gold Hill (Lakeshore-Lakeview) occurrence is located on McDame Lake approximately 93 kilometres north of the community of Dease Lake.
The area is underlain by massive basalt flows and tuffs of the Upper Paleozoic Slide Mountain Complex (Sylvester Allochthon).
Locally, sheared, silicified and carbonate-altered volcanics are cut by a series of northeast-trending, steeply dipping quartz veins, which parallel the main jointing trend. Veins vary in width from 0.7 to 2.0 metres. A north-trending vein with 10 to 15 per cent disseminated pyrite can be traced for 200 metres and is cut by a fault at its south end. The veins contain tetrahedrite and native gold.
In 1977, drillhole 77-48 on the B.B. claim yielded 0.8 gram per tonne gold over 2.51 metres, whereas drilling on the Ned 1 claim yielded up to 1.0 gram per tonne gold over 0.72 metre in hole 77-28 (Assessment Reports 6641 and 7601).
In 1979, a sample (1002) of mineralized vein material assayed 65.6 grams per tonne silver and 1.3 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 7816).
In 1980, the Lakeview vein assayed 0.34 gram per tonne gold and 123.1 grams per tonne silver across 1.1 metres, while a vein to the north of this assayed 4.18 grams per tonne gold over 1.8 metres (Assessment Report 9116).
In 1981, drilling on the southern two veins, referred to as the Lakeview South veins, yielded up to 12.5 grams per tonne gold over 1.15 metres (89.5 to 90.65 metres downhole) in hole MBC 81-5, whereas drilling on the north-trending and northernmost vein, referred to as the Smile vein, yielded up to 5.5 and 35.9 grams per tonne gold over 1.6 and 1.0 metres in holes MBC 81-10A and -11A, respectively (Assessment Report 10249).
In 2008, two 1.0-metre chip samples (5000011 and 5000008) assayed 1.95 and 1.30 grams per tonne gold with 29.0 and 84.6 grams per tonne silver, respectively, whereas a 1.0-metre chip sample from the Smile vein yielded 3.76 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 30623).
Work History
The area has been explored in conjunction with the nearby Taurus (MINFILE 104P 012) and Erickson (MINFILE 104P 029) occurrences and completed regional and property exploration histories can be found there
A historical shaft and trench, of unknown date, are reported on the occurrence area.
In 1977, Nu-Energy Development Corp. completed five diamond drill holes, totalling 324.0 metres, and a 29.0 line-kilometre ground electromagnetic (VLF) survey was completed on the BB, Up, Top 1-5, Nora, FG 1, Mill, Val, Ned and Jennie Ext. claims. Also at this time, Erickson Gold Mining completed five diamond drill holes (77-28 through 77-32) on the Ned 1 claim.
During 1979 through 1982, Esso Resources Canada Ltd. completed programs of geological mapping, geochemical (rock, silt and soil) sampling, 1261.3 metres of diamond drilling, trenching and ground electromagnetic (VLF) surveys on the area as the McDame property.
In 1985, Erickson Gold Mining completed five diamond drill holes, totalling 345.3 metres, on the area as the Mill claim.
In 1995, the area was held and examined by Cusac Gold Mines Ltd. as the Table Mountain Gold property.
In 2007 and 2008, Hawthorne Gold Corporation and Cusac Gold Mines Ltd. entered into a merger agreement whereby the two companies would continue to operate under the corporate entity of Hawthorne Gold Corporation. Hawthorne became the owner and operator of Cusac’s Table Mountain (MINFILE 104P 070) and Taurus (MINFILE 104P 012) properties and proceeded to form a private subsidiary company, Cassiar Gold Corporation, to retain assets acquired from Cusac. The entirety of this land package became known as the Cassiar Gold property. The exploration program comprised field reconnaissance, soil sampling (606 samples), rock and chip sampling (365 samples), airborne magnetic and VLF-EM surveying (6567 kilometres), geophysics ground truthing, and diamond drilling (15 holes totalling 2536.5 metres on the East Bain vein, MINFILE 104P 070).
In 2009 and 2010, China Minerals Mining Corp. completed regional programs of geological mapping, geochemical (rock and soil) sampling and a 5090.0 line-kilometre airborne magnetic, radiometric and electromagnetic survey on the area as the Cassiar Gold property.
In 2019, Margaux Resources completed a program of prospecting, geological mapping and rock sampling on the area as the Cassiar Gold property. In 2020, Cassiar Gold Corp. completed a program of regional photogeological interpretation, prospecting and rock sampling on the Cassiar Gold property.