The Gold Star occurrence adjoins the Beavis prospect (104N 007) in the northwest and is located near the east shore of Atlin Lake, about 1.7 kilometres north of the community of Atlin.
A pyritic quartz vein is hosted within upper Mississippian to Permian ultramafic rocks of the Cache Creek Complex. The ultramafic rock can be both silicified and carbonate altered to a listwanitic-type alteration assemblage. The ultramafics intrude cherts and argillites of the Mississippian to Triassic Kedahda Formation (Cache Creek Complex). The quartz veins and alteration occur near the contact of the intrusions and the sediments. Felsic dikes cut the country rock and are associated with the veining.
A shaft had been sunk to a depth of 10.7 metres on a well silicified structure. A sample of quartz from the dump contained 0.86 gram per tonne gold and 10.29 grams per tonne silver (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1904).