The West Gully (Gaug 2) showing is located on the south side of a creek on the east side of Bennett Lake. The showing is underlain by the Late Triassic Stikine Plutonic Suite. The intrusive rocks are cut by several dacitic to basaltic dikes which appear to postdate the veins.
The showing consists of six east-west trending quartz veins exposed in shears and fractures along 1000 metres of outcrop and talus on the creek bank. The veins are a few centimetres to 1 metre wide and are hosted by granodiorite and argillite. Mineralization consists of stibnite, arsenopyrite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, and galena and occurs locally as fine-grained disseminations to semi-massive to massive bands in quartz-carbonate vein structures that often occupy fractures, shears and/or faults. Sulphide bands, up to 10 centimetres thick, consist of coarse bladed to fine-grained stibnite and fine-grained arsenopyrite. A 1.0-metre chip sample across a vein swarm assayed 12.07 grams per tonne gold, 327.43 grams per tonne silver, 0.32 per cent zinc, and 0.101 per cent copper (Assessment Report 11044).
Of the 5 holes drilled in 2011, DDH N1102 was close to the Gaug 2 showing and obtained the best results. Several of the other holes were located to the north and northeast. DDH N1102 intersected granitic intrusive and mafic dikes. The hole intersected two zones of low-grade gold mineralization over significant intervals, both of which occur within the granitic intrusive. An upper 6.80-metre-wide interval at 182.75-189.55 metres averaged 0.17 grams per tonne gold, which includes a 4.25-metre-wide interval averaging 0.24 grams per tonne gold. A lower 11.80-metre-wide interval at 218.65-230.45 metres averaged 0.52 grams per tonne gold, which includes a 3.55-metre-wide interval averaging 0.92 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 33081).
Work History
In 1981 and 1982, Du Pont of Canada Exploration Ltd. conducted a geochemical sampling - and geological mapping program on the Gaug 1, 2 and 3 claims, in an attempt to isolate the source of the gold found in the stream sediments (Assessment Report 11044).
In 1997, Westmin Resources Ltd. conducted a 10-hole diamond drilling program on the Northwest Block of the Golden Eagle property; two drill holes were completed on the Plateau zone to test an extensive high chargeability/low resistivity IP anomaly. Drilling intercepted brecciated graphitic black argillites and fine-grained light-grey siltstones yielding up to 0.36 gram per tonne gold over 2.50 metres in BN97-02 (Aurora Geosciences Ltd. (2012-07-09): Technical Report – Golden Eagle Property).
In 2003, Marksmen Resources Ltd. conducted an exploration program on the Golden Eagle project of which their Bennett Lake Block of claims covers the historic Pavey showings. A 7-centimetre-wide sample (RM03-30-2) of a 1.5-centimetre-wide quartz vein and sericite-chlorite altered wallrock with altered fine, ferruginous fractures (after carbonate?) analyzed 0.87 gram per tonne gold. The vein strikes 020 degrees, dipping steeply west (Assessment Report 27474).
In 2009, Troymet Exploration Corp. conducted a diamond drilling -, prospecting - and soil/stream sediment sampling program on their Golden Eagle property which contained the West Gully. No Assessment Report was filed for the work. In the West Gully area, an 87.84-metre interval in hole N0901 graded 0.11 gram per tonne gold, including 15.24 metres grading 0.33 gram per tonne gold. The hole was reported to have been stopped in mineralization (Assessment Report 33081).
In 2011, Troymet Exploration Corp. conducted a modified pole-dipole induced polarization (IP) survey over the Plateau area. Five NQ diamond-drill holes (N1101 to N1105) totalling 826.17 metres were drilled to test the IP anomalies and gold-in-stream sediments in the West Gully – Plateau area.
Refer to the Skarn prospect (104M 085) for a detailed history of the West Gully (Gaug 2) showing that was held as part of the Pavey property and subsequently the Golden Eagle property.