The Tutshi Lake lead-zinc showing is located on the north shore of Tutshi Lake, about 60 kilometres northwest of the town of Atlin. A lead-zinc occurrence, on which an adit had been driven, is noted on the Geological Survey Canada Map 19-1957 at this location.
The showing is underlain by rock of the Middle to Upper Cretaceous Windy Table Complex, in general consisting of andesite, basalt and derived sediments.
The Cheemo claim was held by Rob McClure in 1985, with no claim having been previously recorded on the same land (according to McClure). The Geological Survey of Canada Map by R.L. Christie (19-1957) contained a plot showing the location of zinc and lead with an adit in or on his Cheemo claim. McClure reported that he did not locate the adit in his property investigation. Two claims, the Hill 1 and 2, were staked on the hillside directly below the Cheemo claim in 1966, but no evidence of any work was found by McClure. Similarly, the Tushi 1 and 2 were staked on the shore to the east of the Cheemo in 1964, with no work being done evidently. In 1985, McClure prospected accessible ridges, slopes, and ravines. Rock samples were collected. No veins could be found in his investigation for the source of quartz float found in the ravines, the best sample of which yielded 0.23 gram per tonne gold, but it was off the Cheemo claim (Assessment Report 14332). Elsewhere, pyritic, gossanous rocks were sampled but did not show significant assays.