The Dial showing consists of a malachite stained, 30-centimetre-wide shear zone cutting east-west through diorite. A sample yielded 34.0 grams per tonne silver and 9.23 per cent copper (Assessment Report 22205). In the area, gabbroic to dioritic rocks of the Middle to Late Triassic Stikine Plutonic Suite intrude volcanic rocks of the Upper Triassic Stuhini Group.
In 1991, work by Pulse Resources Ltd on their Dial and Chip claims consisted mainly of contour soil sampling at 100 metres intervals (7.2 km of line; 74 samples) and silt sampling (4 samples). Mapping at l: 5000 scale and prospecting were completed along soil lines and at higher elevations. During mapping two rock samples were collected from mineralized or altered outcrops, including from the 30-centimetre-wide shear zone in diorite.