The area is underlain by quartz monzonite and quartz feldspar porphyry, which are probably genetically related to the Tertiary Sloko-Hyder Plutonic Suite. These rocks are cut by quartz-eye porphyry and monzonite porphyry dykes. Northwest trending structures control alteration, quartz veining and mineralization.
The quartz monzonite, consisting mainly of hornblende, biotite and feldspar, sometimes has zones of sericite-clay-chlorite-iron oxide alteration.
Mineralization at the Val 3 (Mo showing) consists mainly of quartz and pyrite with minor molybdenite and copper carbonate and rare chalcopyrite. One strong molybdenum bearing quartz vein had up to 7.6 centimetres of strong molybdenite in a 15 centimetre quartz vein but quartz veins as stockwork and parallel sets generally contain only minor molybdenite.
A 6.1 metre chip sample assayed 0.02 per cent molybdenum and 0.025 per cent copper. (Assessment Report 8962).
In 1980, an exploration program was carried out by Utah Mines Ltd. on the Val 1 and 2 claims to delineate the shear zone containing chalcocite, bornite, molybdenite and precious metal mineralization.
Much of the Val ground was restaked in 1987, as the Sal property by Tahltan Holdings Ltd. While Tahltan investigated the showings at the Val 1 (104K 040), they made no mention of the Val 3 showings and the Sal property may not have actually covered that showing.