The GO showing occurs along the mineralized Eureka Trend. The GO area is underlain by the Upper Triassic King Salmon Formation, part of the younger Upper Triassic Stuhini Group, intruded by a quartz dioritic stock of the Late Cretaceous Windy Table Comlex. In addition a major anticline, the King Salmon Anticline, plunges gently to the northwest near the Taku River and gently southeast near the Joly-Jak showing (to the east) along a 115 degree trend. The King Salmon Formation rocks are comprised primarily of thinly-laminated, grey to bluish grey mudstone and siltstone.These rocks are slightly to moderately limey and are typically hornfelsed.
Within the Eureka Trend numerous sheeted sulphide veins have been identified. (See Joly (104K 090).) Veins have been observed in outcrop across strike for over 100 meters and along strike for over 650 meters and remains open in all directions. Gold mineralized veins are continuous, forming near vertical sets within a regional east-west trending fault zone. The zone forms a topographical linear extending for over 10 kilometers along strike. Mineralized bedrock exposures have been discovered in vertical relief greater than 370 meters. Veins are hosted in a rusty-weathering fine grained quartz diorite with slight argillic alteration and consist of massive arsenopyrite with lesser pyrite, galena, stibnite and sphalerite with individual widths up to 0.5 meter. Smaller, up to 5 centimeter wide, arsenopyrite-pyrite-quartz veins form splays and offshoots with sulphide lenses and disseminated pyrite in altered wall rock.
The felsite and porphyry intrusive and the intruded Stuhini Group rocks have undergone strong carbonate alteration and are crosscut by later carbonitized felsite dykes. Late east-west faulting cuts the intrusive and several dilatent conjugate fractures have developed which in many cases are mineralized with arsenopyrite, pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite, and stibnite.
The main zone of mineralization occurs in a series of fractures which strike 110 degrees and dip 75 degrees south, exposed along a northeast trending ridge for a strike length of about 1700 metres. The east extension of the veins appear to be cut off by a major east-west fault.
Mineralization in outcrop at the eastern end of the structure consists of discontinuous stringers and veins of quartz with arsenopyrite and minor pyrite, stibnite, galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, and pyrrhotite. The precious metal content is erratic. Sampling from trenching in 1981 returned a high of 4.46 grams per tonne gold, 126.85 grams per tonnes silver, 0.18 per cent copper, 1.02 per cent lead, 1.5 per cent zinc, and 0.496 per cent antimony. Another 3.0 metre sample returned 4.2 grams per tonne gold, 115.13 grams per tonne silver, 0.14 per cent copper, 0.63 per cent lead, and 0.12 per cent zinc (Assessment Report 9495).
The showings were discovered in 1980 as a result of regional prospecting and silt sampling by Comaplex Resources International Ltd., as operator, and Redfern Resources Ltd. under a 50-50 joint venture agreement of April 1980. The GO 1-3 claims (56 units) were staked on the discovery and surface exposures were sampled.
Dynamic Oil Limited in February 1981 acquired an option to purchase a 20 per cent working interest in the GO claims. Work by Comaplex during the 1981 field season included trenching, bulk sampling, VLF and magnetometer surveys, and six trenches and 973 metres of diamond drilling in 9 holes were completed in 1981. Drilling confirmed that the mineralizing system continues along a strike length of greater than 205 metres and a down-dip length of greater than 150 metres. Precious metal mineralization was narrow, spotty and sub-economic.
In 2016 J2 Syndicate Holdings conducted a reconnaissance exploration program over three days in August of 2016 prior to staking the Eldorado Property. A total of 15 rock grab samples were collected on the following: the Joly and Jak showings where a chip sample graded 17.85 grams per tonne gold and 108 grams per tonne silver; the new Cash showing where a sample from mineralized stockwork within a siliceous fault graded 0.49 grams per tonne gold and 1.16 per cent lead ; and the Bonanza showing, located southeast of the historical WAHB showing, assayed 2.18 grams per tonne gold, 149 grams per tonne silver, 5.31 per cent lead (Appendix C, Assessment Report 37087).
The 2017 exploration program was carried out on the Eldorado Property from August 26th to August 31st, 2017 and consisted of reconnaissance and follow-up prospecting, mapping, silts and rock sampling (Appendix C, Assessment Report 37087). One hundred and nine (109) samples were taken: 21 chip samples, 36 rock grab samples, 45 talus fine samples and 7 silt samples. Two geologists and one prospector traversed the property collecting samples, geological observations and pictures. An east-west line of talus fines were collected over the GO showing area. Assays of these samples were not anomalous.
Refer to the Joly occurrence (104K 090) for common geological details and for a history of other work done in the vicinity.