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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  12-Aug-2014 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)

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NMI 104K6,11 Mo2
Name ERIC, WRIGHT GLACIER Mining Division Atlin
BCGS Map 104K053
Status Showing NTS Map 104K06W, 104K11W
Latitude 058º 30' 00'' UTM 08 (NAD 83)
Longitude 133º 24' 52'' Northing 6485469
Easting 592406
Commodities Copper, Silver, Molybdenum Deposit Types L04 : Porphyry Cu +/- Mo +/- Au
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Stikine, Plutonic Rocks
Capsule Geology

The area is underlain Upper Paleozoic rock of the Stikine Assemblage consisting of Permian limestone with minor chert that is overlain with an undivided metamorphic assemblage ranging from Triassic to older rocks, which are comprised of clastic sediments and intercalated volcanic rocks altered to greenstone and phyllite. These are unconformably overlain by the Upper Triassic Stuhini Group volcanics which in turn are overlain by andesitic rocks of the Eocene Sloko Group.

All of these rocks are intruded by a Tertiary hornblende-biotite quartz monzonite stock and associated feldspar porphyry dikes of the Paleocene Sloko-Hyder plutonic Suite, which are genetically related to the Sloko Group volcanics. (Geological Survey of Canada Map 1262A)

The area was staked in the late 1970s to cover a molybdenum showing indicated on GSC Map 1262A. The bedrock occurrence was not located except for a large quantity of molybdenum bearing alaskite float near the edge of a glacier terminating on the south end of Eric 1 claim. This material is probably derived from the Mount Ogden deposit to the south.

In 1979, a 30 metre trench was dug in Permian limestones and Paleozoic limonitic cherts and greenstones. The metamorphic grade of these rocks is reported to be lower greenschist facies with epidote and chlorite common in the greenstones, and the carbonates are recrystallized and dolomitized. The rocks are crosscut by porphyry dikes which show minor pyrite mineralization near their contacts.

Samples taken from the greenstones in 1979 returned 1.4 grams per tonne silver, 0.4 per cent copper; and 11.0 grams per tonne silver, 0.4 per cent copper, and 0.004 per cent molybdenum (Assessment Report 8436A). Mineralization probably is associated with disseminated pyrite, chalcopyrite, and minor molybdenite.

The Eric claim was staked by Frank Onucki in 1978 to cover a molybdenum showing indicated on a map accompanying Geological Survey of Canada Memoir 362. The occurrence was not relocated but a large quantity of molybdenum-bearing alaskite float is present at the end of the glacier. It is believed that the source of the material is from Mount Ogden to the south. Berglynn Resources held an option on the property in early 1979 and in that year a trench 30 metres long was put in across a section of limonitic cherts and limestones. In 1980, Berglynn collected 3 soil, 8 silt and 25 rock samples for analysis and prospected the claims. Parts of the former Eric claim were staked by DeCoors Mining Corp. in October 2006 and sold to Optima Minerals Inc. in November 2006 and are now part of the Taku Gold block of the Taku Property. The showing was not visited by Optima Minerals.

EMPR EXPL 1980-489
EMPR ASS RPT *8436A, 29049
GSC MAP 6-1960; 931A; *1262A
GSC MEM 248; 362