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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  04-Mar-2021 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)

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NMI 104K8 Cu2
Name FAE, NORM, SAMOTUA, SAMO Mining Division Atlin, Liard
BCGS Map 104K030
Status Showing NTS Map 104K08E
Latitude 058º 17' 29'' UTM 08 (NAD 83)
Longitude 132º 02' 32'' Northing 6464961
Easting 673375
Commodities Molybdenum, Copper, Silver, Lead, Zinc, Gold Deposit Types L05 : Porphyry Mo (Low F- type)
L04 : Porphyry Cu +/- Mo +/- Au
H05 : Epithermal Au-Ag: low sulphidation
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Stikine
Capsule Geology

The area of the Fae occurrence is underlain by Pennsylvanian tuffs, phyllites, siltstones and limestones and Lower Permian limestones, all of the Stikine Assemblage. These rocks are intruded by plutonic rocks associated with three separate igneous events. These consist of foliated diorite of Triassic age, unfoliated diorite of Jurassic age, and quartz monzonite and quartz feldspar porphyry, which are probably genetically related to the Tertiary Sloko Group (Sloko-Hyder Plutonic Suite). The volcanics and sediments are separated by a northeast trending fault from sandstone, conglomerate, and minor shale of the Jurassic Takwahoni Formation (Laberge Group). These rocks are overlain by flat lying basalt flows of the Miocene Level Mountain Group.

The quartz monzonite occurs as a stock measuring about 1.2 by 0.7 kilometres. It is equigranular, containing plagioclase, potassium feldspar, quartz, and minor biotite. Hornfels and skarn are developed along the intrusive contact.

The stock contains areas of alteration (feldspars to clay), silicification and quartz veins. Pyrite, molybdenite, and chalcopyrite are associated with these areas. The minerals occur in fractures, veinlets and as disseminations in the intrusive rock and, to a lesser extent, in the hornfels.

Chip sampling of an area with the best molybdenum mineralization, assayed 0.024 per cent molybdenite and 0.026 per cent copper over 24 metres. A 6-metre chip sample from this area assayed 0.033 per cent molybdenum, 0.030 per cent copper, 0.12 per cent lead, and 4.46 grams per tonne silver. A 6-metre chip sample, 200 metres to the northwest, assayed 0.005 per cent molybdenum, 0.022 per cent copper, 0.23 per cent lead and 39.4 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 5924).

A distinct east-west zone of cryptocrystalline quartz crosses Fae Creek just north of "Chert Peak" (Assessment Report 17891, Figure 3.1). The silicified zone comprises brecciated cherts and/or rhyolites healed by chalcedony and quartz, disseminated and massively banded or bedded pyrite, shear zones and complex folding which includes an overturned antiform cored by limestone. The siliceous zone crossing Fae Creek hosts gold and silver bearing pyrite in a carbonate altered cherty breccia with fuchsite as well as with chalcopyrite in a silicified limestone in an overturned antiform.

Anomalous gold, silver, antimony, and arsenic values occur with blebs of galena, sphalerite and chalcopyrite in iron carbonate altered tuffs in felsenmeer on Fae Ridge south of the east-west siliceous zone.

The Tatsamenie Lake area was initially explored in the fifties for its porphyry copper potential. In 1963, Kennco Explorations Limited delineated low-grade disseminations of chalcopyrite and molybdenite in silicified fracture zones. In 1976, Kennco reanalyzed the samples collected in 1963 for a broader range of elements and oxides. These zones occur on the southern margin of quartz monzonite porphyry intruding Pre-Upper Triassic sediments and volcanics. A copper bearing magnetite rich skarn was also found on the north side of the same intrusive body. Four Fae claims covering these showings were held until 1986. In 1970, Skyline Explorations Ltd staked the surround the Fae group and covered any further copper and molybdenum mineralization. Chevron Canada Resources Limited explored the area for precious metals in 1982. The area of the Tag claims was one of the Chevron properties, the Giver-Taker, staked to cover an extensive alteration zone. Chevron conducted mapping and a program of soil, rock, and silt sampling in 1983 and 1984. The ground was restaked in 1987 as the Fae property by Tahltan Holdings Ltd. Stetson Resource Management Corp. carried out an exploration program in 1987 for Tahltan consisting geological mapping, prospecting, rock chip, and soil sampling. A total of 121 talus samples, 198 rock chip samples, and 5 stream sediment samples were collected. Mapping, prospecting. and stream sampling was done by Premier Minerals Ltd. across the Bing, Ant and Samo claims which cover the Ant (MINFILE 104K 032) and Bing (104K 035) occurrences. In 1996, Premier Minerals Ltd collected 100 rock samples, 66 silt samples and 1200 soil samples over a large area which included minor work on its Samo property in the Fae area.

In 2007, Paget Minerals Corp conducted a 5-day geochemical and geologic mapping program in order to determine any possible drilling targets. Samples were taken near the Norm showing (MINFILE 104K 034), the Fae (MINFILE 104K 014) and the Giver (MINFILE 104K 105) showing area.

In 2011, Paget Minerals Corp drilled one drill hole totalling 477.62 metres. The results of the first hole drilled on the Fae property confirmed the presence of a porphyry system. The majority of the molybdenum mineralization observed in this hole is associated with later stage quartz veining and infilling in fractures. A 23.3 metre-interval (429 to 452.2 metres) assayed 0.0325 per cent copper, 0.0130 per cent molybdenum, and 0.28 gram per tonne gold (Assessment Report 32562). The hole assayed 0.031 per cent copper, 0.0132 per cent molybdenum, and 0.047 gram per tonne gold over 465.8 metres gold (from 11.8 to 477.6 metres) (Assessment Report 32562).

In 2015 Rio Minerals Ltd sent a 4-man crew to the Fae property in order to conduct a short prospecting program. Two samples were collected on top of the ridge a few hundred metres northeast of the plotted location of the Fae occurrence; 5 more samples were collected about a kilometre south of the Fae. Sample 440501 (at UTM 673507 East 6465173 North) just north of the Fae assayed 0.025 per cent molybdenum (Assessment Report 35998). The sample was described as light brown on fresh surface with a trace pyrite. It was highly silicified, with minor vugs and had a breccia appearance. One sample (440506) was collected about 450 metres northwest of Giver at 673155 East, 6463807 North. This outcrop grab sample was described as gossan with vugs with(?) quartz/silica flooding. The assay was not significant.

EMPR AR 1963-7,130
EMPR ASS RPT *476, 3842, *5924, *17891, 25150, 29395, *32562, *35998
EMPR EXPL 1976-194
EMPR FIELDWORK 1985, pp. 175-183; 1986, pp. 103,106; *1992, pp.159-188
EMPR GEM 1972-553-554
EMPR OF *1993-1; 1993-11; 1995-21; 1996-11
EMPR PF (RPTS by Lefebure, D. (1987))
EMR MP CORPFILE (Skyline Explorations Ltd.)
GSC MAP 6-1960; 1262A
GSC MEM 362, pp. 53-54,56