The area is underlain by regionally metamorphosed Paleozoic sedimentary and volcanic rocks which consist largely of gneisses with augin-shaped porphyroblasts of feldspar and large amounts of quartz occurring as veins, lenses, and irregular patches throughout the gneiss. As well, coarse-grained amphibolite and garnet-bearing quartz-biotite schists occur with several lenses of coarsly crystal- line limestone, locally with tremolite. South of the Polaris-Taku Mine (104K 003) the phyllitic sediments have a very high silica content and the presence of limestone suggests a correlation with the Permo-Pennsylvanian chert-limestone succession.
The Silver Queen occurrence appears to be on strike with a mineralized shear and altered zone which occurs on the Polaris-Taku Mine property (104K 003). The main showing is described as an altered zone about 61 metres wide in metavolcanics that has been heavily pyritized. In places, the pyrite is massive and is assoc- iated with some stibnite and chalcopyrite. No arsenopyrite or significant gold values were reported.