The Kay 19 occurrence is located about 20 kilometres south-southeast of the community of Dease Lake.
The showing occurs in an area underlain by Upper Triassic rocks of the Stuhini Group. Rocks observed on the property consist of andesitic and basaltic flows, pyroclastics, clastics, greenish red breccias and porphyritic andesites. These rocks are intruded by Late Triassic granodiorite to hornblende quartz monzonite.
Biotite altered and silicified volcaniclastic sediments contain chalcopyrite as fine disseminations and fracture fillings. Hand trenching exposed an area about 1.8 by 6.7 metres in size. The mineralized area is bounded by a dike on the north and open to the south. A large monzonite outcrop occurs a short distance to the southwest. Traces of bornite, pyrrhotite and magnetite are associated with the chalcopyrite. Three diamond-drill holes were completed in 1971 and a 1.07-metre interval assayed 0.09 per copper, 3.43 grams per tonne silver and trace gold (Assessment Report 3372).
From 1969 to 1972, the Kay claims were worked by Tanzilla Explorations Ltd. Aside from the drilling reported previously, geological, geochemical and geophysical (including magnetometer and induced polarization) surveys were completed. Refer also to the Kay 49 occurrence (104I 026) located 2.4 kilometres south.