The Canyon occurrence is located approximately 120 kilometres east-northeast of Dease Lake and a few kilometres east of the Turnagain River.
The area of the Canyon showings is mapped as Ingenika Group undivided sediments and metasediments consisting of the Upper Proterozoic Swannell and Tsaydiz formations. These rocks include phyllite, schist, phyllitic limestone, siltstone, quartzite and conglomerate (Geological Survey of Canada Open File 2779). The northeastern contact of the Early Cretaceous Cassiar Batholith occurs to the west. The batholith varies in composition from granite to quartz monzonite to granodiorite.
The Canyon area consists of quartz-biotite schist and quartzite containing a 200-metre section of impure carbonates interbedded with schist. Two skarn horizons have been located that contain scheelite mineralization. The skarn contains a considerable amount of pyrrhotite in a fine-grained garnet-diopside assemblage. Inspection of the outcrops indicated that grades were much less than 1 per cent tungsten tri-oxide.
In 1979, a chip sample (B) from the western and stratigraphically lower skarn bed assayed 0.08 per cent tungsten tri-oxide (Assessment Report 7682).
Work History
In 1978, scheelite mineralization on the Canyon claims was discovered by R. Cook and W. Kuhn. The original showings were found at the base of cliffs. In 1979, Union Carbide Canada Limited completed detailed geological mapping and rock chip sampling.
In 2005, an airborne magnetic and electromagnetic survey totalling 2130 line-kilometres was flown over the Thrust property on behalf of United Exploration Management Inc.