The Dip-slope showing is underlain by augite-phyric andesite of the Upper Triassic Stuhini.
A dip-slope exposure of a listwanitized, gossanous thrust fault was located. This structure strikes between 325 degrees/50 degrees north and 346 degrees/30 degrees northeast, and is altered for at least 130 metres of its 1.5 kilometre strike length. It varies in width from 1.9 metres in the southwest (sample 32593) to 7 metres, at sample location 459455, where it is expressed as a vertical cliff-face. The zone consists of carbonate and mariposite alteration containing calcite-quartz veinlets with 2 per cent disseminated pyrite, and 1 per cent disseminated chalcopyrite with associated malachite staining. Galena is also locally present within one 10 centimetre wide quartz vein (sample BM-13-7512, 20 ppb gold). The host rock, augite-phyric andesite, is also carbonate altered but sampling in 1989 of this material failed to return any anomalous gold values. Extensive sampling of this structure in 1988 produced samples assaying up to 2.33 grams per tonne gold, but sampling in 1989 and 1990 failed to reproduce these values (Assessment Report 18555, 21061).
Refer to Trophy (Ptarmigan) (104G 053) for related details and a common work history.