The Foghorn showing is underlain by Lower Permian limestone of the Stikine Assemblage.
On the west side of the South Scud River several small, limestone-hosted shear zones were found in 1989 by Gigi Resources. These shear zones, which trend south to south-southwest, are marked by gossans up to 1.0 metre wide. The shear zones host narrow quartz-calcite veinlets with 2 per cent pyrite and traces of sphalerite. One of these shear zones hosts a 1.0 metre wide zone of quartz-carbonate-chlorite alteration with 60 per cent combined pyrite, magnetite and sphalerite, which is approximately 30 metres long and strikes 214 degrees. A sample (459039) across this structure assayed 1.58 grams per tonne gold with anomalous copper, zinc, and arsenic geochemical values; other samples from similar structures returned geochemical values of up to 0.72 gram per tonne gold, 0.18 per cent copper and 0.675 per cent zinc (Assessment Report 19783, 21061).
Refer to Trophy (Ptarmigan) (104G 053) for related details and a common work history.