The Go/No showing was first discovered in 1990 on the Axe property, held by Ascot Resources Ltd. As of 1991, the Axe property consisted of some 59 claims totalling 932 units. Work reported done on the Axe claims in 1990 and 1991 (primarily rock, soil and silt sampling) was spread over a number of showings on these extensive holdings.
The area has recently been mapped on a regional scale as Upper Triassic Stuhini Group intruded by dykes, sills and plugs of Early Jurassic age (Open File 1997-3).
The showing is hosted in sheared mafic volcanics near a northeast trending diorite dike. Mineralized tension-gash shears occur sporadically over a 1.3-kilometre length of the diorite contact but are oriented perpendicular to the trend of the dike. Narrow veins of quartz-carbonate host pyrite and chalcopyrite and occasionally arsenopyrite and sphalerite. Gold values appear to be related to arsenopyrite-pyrite content. A grab sample assayed 31.4 grams per tonne gold, 17.1 grams per tonne silver, and 0.15 per cent copper (Assessment Report 21858, page 25). Grab samples with up to 2.5 per cent lead, 28 per cent zinc, and 19 per cent arsenic were collected.
During 2011 through 2014, New Chris Minerals completed programs of prospecting, soil and rock sampling, geological mapping, a 14 line-kilometre ground induced polarization survey and 2379 line-kilometres of airborne geophysical surveys on the area as the Tatogga Lake project.