The CAM occurrence is situated on the eastern flank of the Coast Plutonic Complex. The area is underlain by Devonian to Permian phyllitic quartzite and greywacke of the Stikine Assemblage. The stratigraphy is intruded by Early Jurassic granodiorite and monzodiorite to gabbro of the Texas Creek Plutonic Suite and granite of the Eocene Major Hart Pluton. Narrow granodiorite dikes and minor east trending faults are observed in the metamorphic rocks. The fault zones contain abundant carbonitization.
A rusty zone occurs along the quartzite (or phyllite) -granite contact mainly, but not entirely, within the intrusive. Sporadic chalcopyrite and chalcocite occur with up to 10 per cent pyrite within these rusty zones. Detailed examination of mineralization in three trenches showed only sporadic chalcopyrite-chalcocite mineralization in altered fine quartz-monzonite. No samples were taken. The metamorphic rocks also contain disseminated fine pyrite and pyrrhotite, locally, outside the contact zone.
In 1968, on behalf of Gaylord Mines Limited, a reconnaissance geological survey was made of the CAM group of claims, at the junction of the Porcupine and Stikine rivers. The claim group comprised the CAM and CAM numbers 1 to 11. Trenching of a copper occurrence on CAM 8, was done by Cobra drill and blasting to expose the nature of mineralization along the rusty contact zone.