The occurrence is hosted by Upper Triassic Stuhini Group rocks. These are mainly basalt to andesitic flows, breccias and tuffs which strike east and have steep dips.
A system of northeast to northwest trending fractures cuts through a ridge crest. This oxidized fracture system is essentially a quartz and carbonate filled breccia zone. The carbonate minerals are calcite, ankerite and probably dolomite. The vein quartz is sparsely mineralized with pyrite, chalcopyrite and galena, and the carbonates are associated with galena and sphalerite. Specularite, malachite and azurite, as well as sericite and chlorite are observed in the veins. The economic mineralization occurs as scattered grains and blebs.
The veins are up to 1.5 metres wide but pinch and swell over a short distance. They strike northwest to north within a belt 800 metres wide but individually they have been traced only a short distance. A sample across 1.06 metres of quartz vein contained 0.7 grams per tonne gold, 82.3 grams per tonne silver, 0.4 per cent copper and a trace of lead.