The Flory 1 showing occurs in an area of sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the Upper Triassic Stuhini Group that are intruded by Tertiary plutons to the south and east and Late Triasssic dioritic rock of the Stikine (McQuillan) Plutonic Suite.
In the southeast corner of the Flory 1 (Valkyrie 2) claim, an outcrop of dacitic tuff was found containing sphalerite, minor pyrrhotite, specularite and traces of chalcopyrite. A 1989 grab sample assayed 1.19 per cent zinc (Assessment Report 19687). A nearby quartz vein showed chrysocolla staining, minor pyrite and chalcopyrite over 14 centimetre (0.1285 per cent copper).
Work History
In 1987, a reconnaissance mapping, prospecting, and geochemical sampling program was conducted over several claim groups in the Unuk River area by Axiom Explorations Ltd. Four man-days of exploration were completed on the Flory 1 to 4 mineral claims. No mineralization was located. In total 111 rock and 78 silt samples were collected.
An airborne electromagnetic and magnetic survey was flown over the Flory property in 1988. A number of north-northeast trending conductors were delineated throughout the property. Several magnetic high areas were outlined by the survey. These may be delineating either underlying sills and dikes or magnetite-enriched areas within the underlying andesites.
In 1989, Prolific Resources Ltd, conducted a program of prospecting, collecting a total of 87 rock, 19 stream silt, and 13 heavy mineral samples.
In 1990, Universal Trident Industries Ltd conducted an exploration program on their Valkyrie 1-4, Deb 1-2, Sam 1-4 and Beowulf 1-2, collecting 72 rock, 88 soil, 17 heavy minerals and 6 silt. The Valkyrie cover the same ground as the lapsed Flory 1-4 claims.
In 2006 and 2007, Hathor Exploration Ltd. completed a 7228.7 line-kilometre airborne geophysical survey on the area as the Flory claims of the Iskut project. In 2008, Max Minerals Ltd. examined the property.