The Priam 3NW showing is on an upper ridge location on the south side of Fewright Creek, a tributary to Unuk River. The location is approximately 64 kilometres southwest of Bell 2 Lodge on Highway 37, and 70 kilometres northwest of Stewart, B.C.
The Priam 3NW area is underlain by Upper Triassic marine sedimentary rock and volcanic rock of the Stuhini Group. The Stuhini package is intruded by a north-trending elongate quartz monzonitic mass to the north, which is related to the Mount Dunn occurrence (104B 079). Lower Jurassic andesitic rock of the Hazelton Group is mapped north of the Priam area and west of the Mount Dunn prospect.
Reconnaissance prospecting (1987 to 1989) was completed over the northwestern portion of the Priam 3 mineral claim. A grab sample of andesite tuff yielded 0.18 per cent zinc (Assessment Report 19703). Highly fractured, rusty weathered pale greenish grey andesite tuff contains 1 to 3 per cent disseminated pyrite and magnetite, probably within a shear zone.
Colorado Resources Ltd. prospected and sampled (2016) an area of argillite at the margin of a large quartz-sericite-pyrite gossan located approximately 800 metres southwest of the Priam 3NW occurrence. Samples 1630446 and 1630447 from a silicified boulder contained elevated silver, lead and zinc; Sample 1630447 assayed 0.20 gram per tonne gold, 48.0 grams per tonne silver, 0.16 per cent copper, 3.61 per cent lead and 3.36 per cent zinc (Assessment Report 36656, page 21). A line of soil samples immediately east of these samples were also elevated in lead and zinc.
Work History
In 1989, an exploration program by Winslow Gold Corp consisted of helicopter-supported reconnaissance prospecting, geological mapping, and geochemical sampling (Assessment Report 19703). Four showings were reported and documented as the Priam 1 (104B 620), Priam 2 (104B 622), Priam 3NE (104B 621) and Priam 3NW (104B 623). Refer to Priam 1 (MINFILE 104B 620) for details of a common work history.
In 2006 and 2007, Hathor Exploration Ltd. completed a 7228.7 line-kilometre airborne geophysical survey on the area as the Few and Pearly claims of the Iskut project. In 2008, Max Minerals Ltd. examined the property.
In 2016, Colorado Resources Ltd completed a reconnaissance exploration program on their KingPin Property which covered the Priam 3NW and 35 other MINFILE occurrences on the property. Work included the collection of 147 rock chip and grab samples and a total of 129 soil samples (Assessment Report 36656).