The Mystery property is underlain by clastic sedimentary rocks assigned to the Upper Triassic Stuhini Group.
The Ernie Creek structure, is a four kilometre linear structure which cuts diagonally across the claims area, forming an acute angle with the Lehto fault, which it bisects near the mouth of Lehto Creek. This structure is appears to have associated mineralization on the Barytex property.
Narrow hydrothermal alteration envelopes, the most commonly observed style of alteration, surround quartz-carbonate veins locally containing minor sulphides such as pyrite and less commonly chalcopyrite.
The Ernie Creek zone or trend is the name given to a 4 kilometre linear structure which hosts high-grade gold mineralization in quartz veins at several points along its strike length. Exposures of veins are generally small in scale, ranging from 0.5 to 3.0 metres long, though one vein/alteration zone could be traced for 50 metres. Individual vein widths range from a few centimetres to 20 centimetres. The 20 centimetre vein assayed 71.59 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 20845).
Gold and copper rich mineralized float has been identified but has not been definitively traced to its source.
Three types of mineral assemblages were recognized in 2002 by Parkside Resource on the BX-10 claim which covered parts of the Mystery-Chance claims prospect:
1) Pyrite-chalcopyrite-arsenopyrite typically associated with ferrocarbonate-quartz-potassium feldspar alteration, and rare quartz-carbonate-white mica. Mineralization occurs as 0.1 to 4.0 metre wide well mineralized quartz veins, and 0.5 to 15.0 metre wide weakly mineralized quartz breccia zones. This type of mineralization is associated with the higher precious metal grades. Quartz-sulphide zones are localized in northwest trending shear zones, which are enveloped by potassium feldspar-sericite-hematite-specularite-chlorite alteration. This mineralization is coeval with massive K-feldspar replacement generated by late stage hydrothermal emanations generated by the Early Jurassic Lehto Batholith.
2) Pyrite-hematite-specularite-chalcopyrite-graphite mineralization and alteration consisting of quartz-sericite-carbonate-ferrocarbonate occurring as stockwork, disseminations and microveinlet zones.
3) Massive pyrite-chlorite lenses 1 to 3 metre wide that contains pyrite-chalcopyrite mineralization. This type of mineralization appears as scattered pods and lenses located at 1070 to 1220 metres elevation along the Middle Ridge. Three zones of mineralization have been identified on the BX-10 claim. All of these zones are apparently associated with a linear structure that can be traced west-northwest for a distance of 3 to 4 kilometers (Ernie Creek trend).
Hole BT-91-1 was collared on the Alpine grid to test a coincident I.P. and gold soil geochemical anomaly along the mineralized Ernie Creek trend. It intersected a sequence of andesitic tuffs cut by hornblende porphyry dikes and faults. Millimetre to centimetre scale vuggy quartz veinlets are quite common, hut selected core intervals yielded only weakly anomalous gold values ranging between 15 and 41 parts per billion, except for the interval from 119.2 to 120.2 which gave a value of 1980 parts per billion gold (Assessment Report 22036). The I.P. response is attributed to fine disseminated pyrite and minor pyrite stringers.
Hole BT-91-2 was collared on the West grid and intersected a sequence of laminated, calcareous grey siltstones with a few narrow intervals of dacitic to andesitic volcanics. Fine disseminated and fracture filling pyrite and pyrrhotite is present over the entire length of the hole. Trace amounts of chalcopyrite and sphalerite were also observed. No significant analytical results were obtained.
Work History
The first work recorded in the public domain was completed in 1987 by Barytex Resources Ltd and consisted of reconnaissance prospecting and sampling. In 1988 an expanded program including an airborne geophysical survey was completed on the property by Barytex. During this period Barytex's efforts resulted in the discovery of gold bearing quartz-pyrite veins on the Mystery 2 claim and copper-gold mineralized float on the Chance 2 claim. Barytex collected 67 rock, 11 silt and 154 soil samples in 1988 and 1989 (Assessment Reports 18198 and 20126).
In 1990 Noranda Exploration Company Ltd. optioned the property and completed a program of mapping, prospecting geochemical sampling (149 rocks, 947 soils and 29 silts), magnetometer (15.1 kilometres) and HLEM (4 kilometres) surveys (Assessment Report 20845). Exploration identified a structural zone trending 115 degrees which hosted gold bearing quartz-pyrite veins located on the Mystery 2 claims. Quartz veins, containing up to 71.6 grams per tonne gold, were identified over 900 metres of strike, adjacent to Ernie Creek. Detailed geological mapping, an IP survey and two diamond drill holes, totaling 213 metres were completed in 1991 (Assessment Report 22036).
Prime Resources Group Inc. staked the Letho property in 1994 and conducted a program of geological mapping, rock, stream sediment and heavy mineral concentrate sampling on the Letho 1 to 6 claims. A total of 68 rock, 36 silt and 20 heavy mineral concentrate samples were collected on the property (Assessment Report 24192).
In 2002, Parkside 2000 Resource Corp held the Mystery area as the BX 10 claim. They conducted a brief mapping and prospecting program (Assessment Report 27193 and 27241).
In 2006 and 2007, Hathor Exploration Ltd. completed a 7228.7 line-kilometre airborne geophysical survey on the area as the Snip claims of the Iskut project. In 2008, Max Minerals Ltd. examined the property.
During 2009 through 2011, Skyline Gold Corp. completed programs of prospecting, geochemical (rock and soil) sampling, trenching, airborne and ground geophysical surveys and 23 diamond drill holes, totalling 5676 metres, on the area as the Iskut property.