The Canyon area is underlain by a massive sequence of pillowed andesite basalt flows along with agglomeratic phases of the Upper Triassic Stuhini Group. This volcanic package has been intruded by small rhyolite plugs in the southern half of the property. The only sedimentary rocks noted in the VG area are narrow (50 to 100 metres) beds of coarsely crystalline marble.
The Canyon zone is an area of orange-brown gossan. It is readily seen in the Zappa Creek Canyon from the air. The Canyon zone was examined and sampled at two locations; J22 and J23 (Assessment Report 20459). There, felsic porphyritic andesite has been pervasively altered and mineralized across a width of at least 70 metres in a northeasterly striking, steeply northwesterly dipping shear zone. Near the centre of the shear, the rock is composed entirely of quartz, chlorite pyrite and marcasite. Narrow veins of quartz and pyrite oriented parallel with the shear zone sporadically occur near the centre of the shear zone. Samples from the Canyon zone are reported to contain very small amounts of economic minerals. Sample J22-1, assayed 0.08 per cent lead and 0.11 per cent zinc and no associated precious metal values; sample J23 PY assayed 0.41 gram per tonne gold with no other associated economic values obtained (Assessment Report 20459).
The Canyon zone was examined and sampled in 1990 by Consolidated Kyle Resources. For details of historical work on the Gim and Zappa properties, that covered the area, refer to VG (104B 293).