The occurrence is located within a 75 to 150 metre wide band of felsic pyroclastic rock of the Mount Dilworth Formation, Hazelton Group. This narrow band conformably overlies the Betty Creek Forma- tion and may paraconformably underlie the Salmon River Formation; the former occurring east and the latter to the west of the minera- lized band (Open File 1988-4; Fieldwork 1987).
Intense alteration (quartz-pyrite-carbonate-sericite) has obscured original lithologies, but they appear to be sheared tuffs. Work to date has included rock chip sampling of talus and hand- trenching over the area of most intense alteration. Two float boulders contained 3.5 to 7.0 grams per tonne gold. Best value from the talus sampling program was 5.2 per cent zinc, 1.1 per cent lead, and 26.8 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 16840).