Galena is reported to occur near the headwaters of Divelbliss Creek (Newmont Map). The area is underlain by Lower Jurassic Unuk River Formation rock of the Hazelton Group. The formation is composed primarily of thick-bedded epiclastic volcanic rocks and lithic tuffs with closely associated pillow lavas, carbonate lenses and thick-bedded siltstones.
In the 1960s, Newmont Exploration of Canada investigated the mineral potential of the region and discovered this showing. The map documenting the work became part of the Property File of the BC Ministry of Energy and Mines.
In 1987 Magna Ventures Ltd collected 488 soil samples on their Divel and Bliss claims.. The work was strictly of a reconnaissance nature to evaluate a property with no known mineralization. The DC was covered by the Divel 2 claim at that time.
In 1989, Echo Bay Mines Ltd, on behalf of Silver Princess Resources Inc and Magna Ventures Ltd, carried out a program of geology mapping, prospecting and sampling on the Doc property, consisting of the Divel and Bliss claims. A total of 40 traverses were completed and 140 grab and rough chip rock samples were taken for analysis.
In 1992, Homestake Canada Inc held the Duke 1-9 claims in the region and collected 75 rock and 87 silts samples. Some of these claims covered parts of lapsed Divel and Bliss claims. The DC was covered by the Duke 1 claim at that time. Homestake collected several samples (both rock and stream sediment) in the area of the DC (104B 134) showing (Sample Locations map, Assessment Report 22930).
In 2006 and 2007, Hathor Exploration Ltd. completed a 7228.7 line-kilometre airborne geophysical survey on the area as the Burrard claims of the Iskut project. In 2008, Max Minerals Ltd. examined the property.