The Hoodoo West occurrence is situated in an area where numerous small plutons are separated by Paleozoic to Mesozoic stratified rocks. The property is underlain by both intrusive and stratified rocks, with areas to the south and west becoming dominantly intrusive, while stratified rocks continue to the northeast. Locally, three groups of bedded rocks have been recognized, all of which have been cut by intrusives. The oldest rocks consist of schistose basaltic to rhyolite pyroclastics, sediments, and limestones. The second unit is made up predominantly of thinly-bedded cherts with minor siltstone. Quartz-pyrite fracture fillings do occur within this unit. The third unit consists of well-bedded coarse to fine volcaniclastics, sediments, and possibly minor flows. Intrusives noted include quartz monzonite, biotite granodiorite, hornblendite, fine-grained feldspar porphyry diorite, and a quartz-eye felsite.
Mineralization occurs within quartz-carbonate veins. These veins consist mainly of fault and fracture infillings and host disseminated galena, sphalerite, tetrahedrite, and arseno- pyrite. Silver assays average about 6.9 grams per tonne and can range up to 1698 grams per tonne. Gold assays range up to a maximum of 12.75 grams per tonne. (Assessment Report 12220)
Contact mineralization occurs as small areas of hornfelsing and pyritization within the volcanic rocks peripheral to the intrusives. These zones vary from 1 to 100 metres across and trend northwest. Pyritiferous samples from the contact zone range from 3.0 to 100.0 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 12220).
The Hoodoo West claim group was staked in 1983 for Kerr Addison Mines Ltd and the work followed in the same year consisting primarily of prospecting and sampling with minor geological mapping and hand trenching. Seventeen soils and twenty-seven rock samples were collected and analyzed for Au, Ag, As and Sb. Some of the samples were also run for Ba, Hg, Cu, Zn and Pb. Geology was recorded at sample sites and plotted on 1:1O OOO scale map.
In 1991, an airborne geophysical survey consisting of 320 line kilometres was carried out on behalf of Galico Resources Ltd by Aerodat Limited (Assessment Report 21655) over the Wiseguy property consisting of the S&G and Guy claims. The area flown covers the Heather Vein (104B 130) and Hoodoo West 6 (104B 283) MINFILE occurrences. Geophysical data suggest that the unit is broken by a series of northeast oriented faults. Magnetic, VLF-EM and possibly conductive trends of a northwesterly orientation were distinguished.