The High Ore showing is located at the head of Boundary Creek, 3.5 kilometres south of the Silbak Premier Mine (104B 054) and north of Stewart, British Columbia. Minor work (open cuts) was carried out on the property in 1928 and trenching and a geochemical survey were conducted in 1979 and 1983.
Located in the Intermontane Belt, the area, bounded on the west by the Coast Crystalline Complex and on the east by the Bowser Basin, is part of the Stikinia Terrane.
The mineralization is hosted by the Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic Hazelton Group Unuk River Formation metavolcanics. The Hazelton Group is a northwest trending, steeply east dipping belt of folded andesitic lapilli tuffs, flows and breccia containing a thick sequence of argillite and siltstone infolded along a synclinal axis. The sequence is intruded by the Early Jurassic Texas Creek plutonic suite of dacitic porphyry dykes, Eocene granitic Hyder intrusives and lamprophyre dykes.
The High Ore showing consists of an extensive zone of pyritized, silicified and sericitized metavolcanics, locally intruded by porphyry dykes. These highly altered rocks contain between 5 and 20 per cent disseminated pyrite. Trenching and sampling returned values from 0.03 to 0.31 grams per tonne gold and from 1.4 to 22.6 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 12236). The mineralization was exposed as massive sulphides and breccia with associated quartz and calcite stringers and veinlets.