The VMS zone is located about 2.8 kilometres south of the Todd Creek-South zone (104A 001) occurrence, approximately 35 kilometres northeast of Stewart.
The VMS showing is about 1 kilometre to the northeast of the Mylonite zone; both zones are near a prominent structural junction of the Todd Creek, Exit and VMS faults. The area first became of interest in 2008 with the exposure of several gossan zones due to the waning of the VMS Glacier. The VMS showing includes the VMS Feeder Zone, which strikes about 320 degrees, has a steep northeast dip and has been traced for about 450 metres. The Feeder Zone is up to about 5 metres in width and remains open to the southeast under the VMS Glacier and northwest under the Todd Creek Valley. The main VMS showing remains open to the southeast and north.
Hostrocks are altered, brecciated, mineralized volcanic rocks and interbedded sediments of the Lower Jurassic Unuk River Formation (Hazelton Group). A delicately layered pyritic exhalite occurs in association with crosscutting pyritic veinlets and veins of black chlorite. Mineralization includes disseminations and blebs to narrow, deformed sulphide bands to massive sulphides composed of pyrite +/-chalcopyrite, bornite, sphalerite and galena. Alteration of the host felsic volcanic stratigraphy with interbeds of tuff comprise carbonate, chlorite and sericite.
In 2008, rock samples were collected over an area of about 0.8 by 1.2 kilometres near the VMS Glacier that encompasses the Feeder Zone and the area of an oxidized boulder train to the north. The analytical results are generally characterized by weakly anomalous gold, anomalous to strong silver and copper, and strong lead and zinc. The results for individual chip samples range up to 0.47 gram per tonne gold, 45.3 grams per tonne silver, 1.69 per cent copper, 0.26 per cent lead and 7.11 per cent zinc over 2 metres in sample 429505 from the northwest extension of the Feeder Zone (Assessment Report 31671).
The VMS mineralization outcrops on the east side of the Todd Creek Valley and has been traced to 2017 to 450 metre (plus) strike length. The horizon strikes about 320 degrees and dips steeply to the northeast and appears to have some aeromagnetic low correlation. In 2016, Millrock Resources Inc collected a sample at the VMS zone which assayed 77 grams per tonne silver, 0.73 per cent copper, and 6.24 per cent zinc (Assessment Report 36183).
In 2017, Millrock Resources Inc. collected total of 238 stream sediment samples from an area measuring 6 by 16 kilometres, on its Todd Creek property (Assessment Report 37268). Multielement anomalies were found to occur in areas of known base and precious metal mineralization which extend for 10 kilometres along the Todd Creek valley.
Refer to Todd Creek-South zone (104A 001) for a detailed work history of the Todd Creek property area showings.