The Superior showing, on the Superior (Lot 4801) and Superior No. 1 (Lot 4802) claims, is about 700 metres northwest of the sharp turn in Cullen Creek and 1350 metres north of the Stewart highway, approximately 27 kilometres northeast of Stewart.
The area is underlain by east striking, south(?) dipping Lower Jurassic rocks of the Unuk River Formation (Hazelton Group) (Bulletin 63). The rocks are predominantly andesites and andesitic tuffs, intruded in places by northwest trending quartz porphyry dikes.
The adit on the Superior claim followed a vein system in a fracture zone. The system consists of west-northwest trending, south-dipping veins over a length of 260 metres. Discontinuous veins, up to 2.0 metres wide, are exposed over lengths up to 20 metres. The veins consist of broken volcanic material, quartz, calcite, siderite, barite, galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite and pyrite. The proportions of these minerals vary considerably. The veins locally exhibit sulphide banding.
A grab sample from a 5 by 0.5 to 1.0 metre pod of massive galena assayed 545 grams per tonne silver, 50.0 per cent lead, 3.0 per cent zinc and 1.0 per cent copper (Assessment Report 7201). Assay values range from 1.3 to 15.9 grams per tonne silver, 1.4 to 50 per cent lead, 0.7 to 15 per cent zinc and trace to 1 per cent copper (Assessment Report 22172).
The Superior claim group, owned by Erickson and McNeil, was staked before 1910. Surface work was carried out during 1910-19. In 1919-20, Sieffert and associates drove an adit about 60 vertical metres below the showing. The adit had been driven 55 metres by 1920. The property reverted to the original owners that year. Little further work has been reported; the adit was reported to be 60 metres long in 1927 and 113 metres long in 1929. Apparently, drifting to the west was commenced in 1929, but the vein was not found in the adit. The claims were subsequently acquired by the Quickstad family. No further work was reported until 1978 when Tournigan Mining Explorations Ltd., having acquired the claims the previous year, carried out some geological mapping and sampling.