The Bow 32 (Waterfall) showing is located on the east bank of Todd Creek, approximately 13 kilometres south of the confluence of Todd Creek with the Bowser River.
The area of the showing is underlain by the Lower Jurassic Unuk River Formation of the Hazelton Group (Bulletin 63). The formation comprises red, purple and green volcanic breccia, conglomerate, siltstone, sandstone and lithic and crystal tuffs. The tuffaceous rocks are weakly to strongly silicified along sheared or faulted zones, especially along valley bottoms. Several well silicified, gossanous zones occur along Todd Creek (Assessment Report 17477).
The Waterfall area represents a prominent resistant knob of silicified, weakly to moderately fractured outcrop with generally narrow quartz-sulphide veins and stringers in and on the edges of Todd Creek. Mineralized outcrops occur on both sides of Todd Creek over a north-south distance of about 200 metres. Silver values from the outcrops typically range from 34.3 to 343 grams per tonne. The highest-grade mineralization occurs on the east bank of the creek and is hosted in a hematite-chlorite altered felsic tuff. It consists of a 20 to 30-centimetre-wide stockwork of quartz, barite and carbonate containing 15 per cent pyrite as disseminations and stringers. A grab sample of this mineralization assayed 2262.9 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 18820). In 2009, a cut channel sample (429638) assayed 0.158 gram per tonne gold, 53.7 grams per tonne silver, 0.44 per cent lead and 0.27 per cent zinc (Assessment Report 31671).
Immediately west of the showing, on the west bank of the creek, a grab sample assayed 233.1 grams per tonne silver, 0.14 gram per tonne gold and 0.54 per cent lead (Assessment Report 18820).
In 1987 and 1988, Brucejack Gold Ltd. staked the Bow 1-41 claims and conducted reconnaissance exploration and trenching. An area of anomalous gold and silver values, in bedrock, was outlined in 1987 on the boundary of the Bow 31 and 32 claims. The reconnaissance work by Brucejack outlined several areas of anomalous gold values in stream sediments. One area was outlined west of the Bow 31 claim (on the Toc 7 claim). In 1987, Brucejack also sampled old trenches west of the Bow 31 claim, on the Todd Creek North gold-copper zone (104A 106). Grab samples assayed up to 5.49 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 17477). In 1990, Marlin Developments analyzed the previously collected silts and rocks for base metals.
In 2016, Millrock Resources Inc conducted rock and stream sediment sampling program on its Todd Creek Property. In 2016, in the vicinity of the Bow 32/Waterfall, outcrop grab sample #H428557 assayed 0.093 gram per tonne gold, 11.25 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 36183. Outcrop grab sample H428558 was collected from 50-centimeter silver-bearing barite veins consisting of barite, galena, and sphalerite vein hosted in strong sericitic-pyritic felsic intrusive. The sample assayed 0.089 grams per tonne gold and 375 grams per tonne, 0.054 per cent copper, 0.071 per cent lead and 0.155 per cent zinc (Assessment Report 36183).
Refer to Todd Creek-South zone (104A 001) for a detailed work history of the Todd Creek property area showings.