The Lois showing is located close to the east shore of Long Lake, about 1 kilometre south of the north end of the lake, 22 kilometres north of Stewart.
The area is underlain by the Lower Jurassic Betty Creek Formation (Hazelton Group) (Open File 1987-22). These rocks lie on the west limb of the north-northwest trending Spider anticline. The showing is hosted in andesitic tuffs and purple tuffs. Northwest trending granitic and felsitic dikes intrude the country rocks. The latter belong to the Portland Canal dike swarm (Bulletin 58).
The showing comprises a mineralized shear zone, up to 1.8 metres wide, that trends 320 degrees and dips 60 degrees to the northeast. In the shear, altered andesitic tuff contains chlorite, epidote and some quartz, carrying fine-grained pyrite, galena, sphalerite and minor chalcopyrite. The shear can be traced for 210 metres to the southeast, where it ends against a contact between purple tuffs and a granitic dike. The mineralization appears to be present over a length of 100 metres at the northwestern exposed end of the shear. In 1956, a chip(?) sample collected from an opencut on the shear (No. 1 cut) assayed 1.50 per cent zinc, 1.35 per cent lead, 0.07 per cent copper, 10.3 grams per tonne silver and trace gold across 1.8 metres (Property File - Plumb, 1956).
About 120 metres southwest of the shear, a 15 metre wide, light green felsitic dike also trends northwest and dips 58 degrees to the northeast. In the No. 2 cut, the dike is mineralized with pyrite and minor copper stain. In the nearby No. 3 cut, a 0.6 metre wide shear zone lies along the footwall of the dike and is mineralized with sphalerite, galena and minor chalcopyrite. In 1956, samples collected from the Nos. 2 and 3 cuts assayed negligible values (Property File - Plumb, 1956).
Work History
The Lois (Lot 3687) and nearby Edith (Lot 3686) claims were Crown granted to McDonald and Winkler in 1917. In 1922, American Mining and Milling Company Limited (name changed that year from Mahood Mines Limited) acquired a one-half interest in the Lois and Edith claims. In 1956, the M.J. Mining Syndicate held a lease on the Lois claim. That year Plumb examined the showing on behalf of Dorreen Mines Limited. Three opencuts were reported on the property at that time.
No further activity was reported until 1983, when Nor-Con Exploration Ltd. carried out a mapping and prospecting program on the Lois claim.
In 2017, Richard Billingsley completed an airborne magnetic survey on the area. In 2019, AUX Resources Corp. completed a program of prospecting, geological mapping and rock sampling on the area as the Independence and Slippery Ian properties.