The Hope showings are located about 2.5 kilometres east of American Creek, between Champion and Basin creeks, approximately 700 metres east of the Terminus adit (104A 016), about 24 kilometres north of Stewart.
The area is underlain by the north-northwest trending, east dipping Lower Jurassic Unuk River Formation (Hazelton Group) (Bulletin 58; 63). Green volcaniclastics with interbeds of limestone, argillite and chert lie on the eastern limb of the American Creek anticline.
The Hope showings consist of pyrite-pyrrhotite pods and bands in calcareous sediment interlayers. A grab sample from the Upper Hope showing assayed 120.8 grams per tonne silver, 0.30 per cent zinc, 0.10 per cent lead, 0.03 per cent copper and 0.03 gram per tonne gold (Assessment Report 10124). A grab sample from the Lower Hope showing (about 150 metres west-southwest of the Upper Hope showing) assayed 57.6 grams per tonne silver, 3.35 per cent copper and 0.10 gram per tonne gold (Assessment Report 10124).
In 1925, Vancouver Mines Limited acquired the Hope claim group surrounding the Terminus claims. During 1925-26, the company conducted prospecting and underground exploration on the Hope group. This work included opencuts on the Upper and Lower Hope showings on the Hope No. 2 Fraction claim (Lot 4901). No further work was reported until 1981 when Gatrow Resources Inc. carried out an exploration program in the area. In 1988, D. Cremonese flew a heli-borne VLF-EM and magnetometer survey in the area. In 1990, Hyder Gold Inc. performed geological and geochemical work in the area and D. Cremonese (Amphora Resources) flew a heli-borne VLF-EM and magnetometer survey over the Elk 1-2, Bunt 1-4 and Basin 1-4 claims. The survey included the area of the showing. During 2005 through 2010, Auramex completed programs of prospecting, geological mapping, geochemical sampling and airborne geophysical surveys on the area as the Bear River-Surprise Creek property.