The exact location of the Chris showing is not known. The occurrence is assumed to be on the Chris Crown grant claim (Lot 4965), about 1.5 kilometres west of American Creek and approximately 6.2 kilometres north-northwest of the confluence of the creek with the Bear River, about 25 kilometres north of Stewart.
The area is underlain by northeast striking, west dipping Hazelton Group andesitic rocks of the Lower Jurassic Unuk River Formation and overlying Lower Jurassic Betty Creek Formation (Bulletin 58; 63).
Mineralization comprises a 3.7 metre wide vein carrying values in gold and copper (Property File - Mathews, 1942). The vein is assumed to be a quartz gangue with chalcopyrite mineralization (similar to nearby showings 1 kilometre to the east, see Ruby, 104A 007).
The exploration history of the claim is not known. Mineralization on the claim is mentioned by Mathews, 1942 (Property File).