The Anaconda showing is located on the east side of the upper part of Basin Creek, a small creek on the east side of American Creek, about 24 kilometres north of Stewart. The Anaconda claims were staked and explored during 1924-28.
The area is underlain by the north-northeast trending, east dipping Lower Jurassic Unuk River Formation (Hazelton Group). The rocks predominantly comprise green, red and purple volcaniclastics with shale and limestone interbeds (Bulletin 58; 63).
The showing occurs in a narrow band of shale and limestones, which strikes 335 degrees and dips 45 degrees east. The limestone contains a zone, 0.6 to 1.2 metres wide, mineralized with sphalerite and minor galena. About 50 metres to the north, a cross fracture in the limestone, up to 0.6 metre wide, also carries sphalerite and galena.
During 2005 through 2010, Auramex completed programs of prospecting, geological mapping, geochemical sampling and airborne geophysical surveys on the area as the Bear River-Surprise Creek property.