The Dolly Silver occurrence is located just south of a small lake, 3 kilometres southwest of Combination Mountain, about 35 kilometres southeast of Stewart.
The showing area is largely underlain by sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the Upper Triassic Stuhini Group. The Stuhini Group Lower Sedimentary unit is composed of black siltstone, argillite, shale, black wacke, sandstone and limestone. Where observed in the field these rocks were predominantly well bedded, interlayered black argillite and dark grey siltstone to sandstone, with lesser amounts of conglomerate and rare amygdaloidal basalt flows. The Stuhini Group Mafic Volcanic unit includes several lithologies: olivine and augite phyric massive to pillowed flows, basaltic volcaniclastic rocks, basaltic volcanic sedimentary rocks, as well as black siltstone, sandstone, wacke and limestone. Limited field observations of this unit indicate that it is made up of predominantly massive basalt flows with minor intercalated volcanic sandstone. The Stuhini Group Middle Sedimentary unit lithhologies include: black siltstone, fossiliferous limestone, green and purple volcanic breccia with minor siltstone, sandstone and conglomerate, and interbedded siltstone, sandstone, wacke, and polymictic pebble conglomerate. Field mapping confirms the heterolithic nature of the unit. It consists of black, massive to bedded argillite, siltstone and volcanic sandstone to tuff.
A 10 centimetre quartz vein hosted in argillite is well mineralized with 5 per cent fine-grained pyrite, 5 per cent pale yellow, fine-grained sphalerite, and traces of very fine grained galena. The vein strikes 250 degrees and dips 50 degrees northwest and subparallels a prominent northwest trending fault gully. A grab sample (18327) yielded 5.93 grams per tonne silver, 0.164 per cent lead and 2.08 per cent zinc (Assessment Report 32468).
In 2010, Dolly Silver Corporation conducted an exploration program on the Dolly Silver property which consisted predominantly of a detailed stream sediment sampling survey with associated geological mapping, prospecting, rock and soil sampling. A total of 81 rock samples, 19 soil samples and 150 stream sediment samples were collected. A concurrent helicopter-borne time domain electromagnetic (VTEM), magnetic and radiometric survey over both the Dolly Silver and Dolly Varden properties was also completed. Flight line spacing was 200 metres over the Dolly Silver property and 100 metres over the Dolly Varden property with a total of 941.7 line kilometres of data collected.