The Hopeful occurrence is located south of the Cambria Icefield, about 32 kilometres southeast of Stewart.
The showing area is primarily underlain by Eocene Coast Plutonic Complex granodiorite to diorite; epidote and chlorite veining is common. In the southwest corner of the property, hornfelsed siltstones and argillites of the Lower Jurassic Hazelton Group occur in which minor gossan is developed.
At the Hill showing, a quartz vein up to 3 metres wide and 100 metres long strikes northeast with steep north dips in a more dioritic phase of the intrusions. Vein mineralogy consists of quartz with minor carbonate gangue in which trace to 1 per cent disseminated pyrite and chalcopyrite occur. Malachite staining is also evident. Along strike the vein is overburden covered. A grab sample (331520) of vein material in 1996 assayed 0.58 gram per tonne gold, 178.6 grams per tonne silver and 0.19 per cent copper (Assessment Report 24743). In 1997, a rock chip sample of vein material assayed 1.75 grams per tonne gold, 13.2 grams per tonne silver and 0.45 per cent copper (Assessment Report 25328).
In 1995, the property was staked by International Northair Mines Ltd. to cover an area of prospective Hazelton Group volcanics. In 1996, stream sediment silt sampling, prospecting, geological mapping and rock sampling was completed which resulted in the discovery of small quartz veins with chalcopyrite and malachite. In 1997, prospecting was conducted and 16 rock chip samples taken.
2018 exploration works on the Golddigger property by Goliath Resources Ltd. focused on areas east of Hastings Arm, including Hopeful. Highlights include discoveries of multiple breccias, stockworks, and veins containing high grade gold and polymetallic mineralization. Exploration focused on extensive areas of recent glacial and snowpack abatement. Both an airborne magnetics survey and a LiDAR survey were completed on the property. The magnetic data shows multiple linear magnetic low breaks, one of which is correlated very well with the Goldswarm structural trend. The magnetic linear break on Goldswarm defines a strong five kilometre-long NW-SE magnetic break that is believed to be associated with the gold mineralization observed at Gold Swarm, approximately 4.5 kilometres south of Hopeful. One hundred and seven (107) chip/grab samples and twenty-one (21) channel samples were collected during the 2018 field season (Assessment Report 37783).