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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  11-Jul-2012 by George Owsiacki (GO)

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NMI 103P13 Cu2
Name SUNSHINE, SUNSHINE NO. 1 (L. 4500), SUNSHINE (L. 4499), SUNSHINE NO. 4 (L. 4505), SUNSHINE NO. 2 (L. 4504), IDA Mining Division Skeena
BCGS Map 103P091
Status Prospect NTS Map 103P13W
Latitude 055º 58' 50'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 129º 52' 18'' Northing 6204258
Easting 445610
Commodities Gold, Copper, Silver, Zinc, Lead Deposit Types I05 : Polymetallic veins Ag-Pb-Zn+/-Au
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Stikine
Capsule Geology

The Sunshine occurrence is located on the middle fork of Glacier Creek, 8.5 kilometres northeast of Stewart. A massive sulphide-bearing vein has been explored in this area for copper and precious metals since 1918.

The occurrence is hosted in argillite with minor interbedded limestone of the Middle Jurassic Salmon River Formation (Hazelton Group). In the immediate vicinity, these sediments are cut by felsic feldspar porphyritic dikes and to the southwest are intruded by a Tertiary(?) augite diorite stock (Coast Plutonic Complex).

The prospect consists of a 0.9 to 2.4 metre wide quartz-carbonate vein which strikes 020 to 034 degrees and dips 50 to 60 degrees west. The vein occurs within a shear zone along the southeast side of a parallel feldspar porphyritic dike. The vein has been traced along surface for up to 213 metres and downdip for a vertical distance of 137 metres. Mineralization consists of pods, up to 0.2 metre thick, of massive chalcopyrite and pyrite. A 0.95 metre chip sample across the vein assayed 5.14 grams per tonne gold, 47.6 grams per tonne silver and 1.93 per cent copper (Assessment Report 15305, page 14).

Two narrow quartz veins mineralized with sphalerite, galena and tetrahedrite occur just south of the first vein. From these, 2 tonnes of high-grade ore were produced in 1922, averaging 13,181 grams per tonne silver.

The main showings outcrop on the steep face of the hill overlooking the glacier. Down the hill and overlooking the glacier there is a small high-grade seam of ore assaying high in silver and zinc from which 2 tonnes was shipped by the owners in 1922. In 1925, the property was under option to H. Houston and J. Peterson who conducted considerable exploration work consisting of opencuts and a tunnel on the high-grade seam. The tunnel was run in approximately 24 metres but no ore of importance was found. Several small cuts trace the vein located above an old cabin, down the hill for 61 or 91 metres intersecting little or no mineralization and therefore of uncertain prospective importance.

In 1986, an exploration program on behalf of Silver Bar Resources Ltd. was designed to assess the mineral potential of the property beyond the main workings areas. Part of the property was mapped and prospected, two grids established, soil samples collected and a VLF-EM survey conducted. In 2006, Teuton Resources Corp. completed 228.1 line-kilometres of a helicopter-borne AeroTEM II electromagentic and magnetic survey on their Silver Bell property which covers the showing area.

EMPR AR 1918-78; *1919-70,71; 1921-66; 1922-73,74; *1923-74; *1925-A85,A86; 1935-B28,B29
EMPR ASS RPT 10046, *15305, 28406
EMPR BULL 58; 63
EMPR FIELDWORK 1983, pp. 149-163; 1984, pp. 316-341; 1985, pp. 217, 218; 1986, pp. 81-102; 1988, pp. 233-240; 1990, pp. 235-243; 2005, pp. 1-4
EMPR OF 1986-2; 1994-14
EMPR PF (Morocco Explorations Inc. Prospectus, 1988)
EMR MP CORPFILE (Granby Mining Co. Ltd.; Sunshine Morning Star Mining Co. Ltd.)
GSC MAP 215A; 307A; 315A; 1385A
GSC MEM 159, pp. 34,35; 175, pp. 147,148
GSC OF 864; 2931; 2996