The Mimico showing is located on the south fork of Glacier Creek, 7 kilometres northeast of Stewart. A vein was explored here by trenching and tunnelling in 1922 and 1923.
The showing is comprised of a 0.10 to 0.30 metre wide quartz vein striking 020 degrees and dipping 60 degrees west. The vein is hosted in argillite of the Middle Jurassic Salmon River Formation (Hazelton Group). Locally, the vein contains massive pyrite, galena and sphalerite up to 0.30 metre. Grab samples of the purest galena have assayed up to 5345 grams per tonne silver and 87.2 per cent lead (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1922, page 75).
In 1922, at a vertical depth of 10 metres below the surface exposure a tunnel had been driven 21 metres and a crosscut driven to the right for 3.6 metres. The continuation of the crosscut later in 1922 intersected the vein. By 1923, about 53 metres of underground work had been completed.