The occurrence is located close to shore, 600 metres north of Gospel Point in Rennell Sound. It may be confused with the Courte (103F 003).
The property is underlain by Middle Jurassic Yakoun Group volcanics and dioritic rock of the West Kano Pluton, which is part of the Middle Jurassic San Christoval Plutonic Suite. Uranium/lead age dates on this plutonic suite have given it an isotopic age of between 170 and 175 plus or minus 5 million years (Personal Communication: R.G. Anderson, March 1989). The volcanics consist of basalt and andesite flows and rhyolite ash flows and tuffs.
A 700 by 500 metre zone of hydrothermally altered pyritic rhyolite tuffs, with minor arsenopyrite and stibnite, occurs in contact with the dioritic pluton to the west. Within this zone, the tuffs are clay altered and, near the contact, intensely brecciated. The contact appears, in part, to be a strong northeast striking fault.