The Toro occurrence is situated in very rugged terrain, on a ridge 2 kilometres west of Churchill Creek, 4.5 kilometres northeast of Falaise Mountain in the Muskwa Ranges of the Northern Rocky Mountains, approximately 151 kilometres west-southwest of Fort Nelson (Geology, Exploration and Mining in British Columbia 1971, page 94). A related occurrence, the Churchill (MINFILE 094K 009) occurrence, is located approximately 3 kilometres to the south (Assessment Report 6471).
The Toro occurrence is in a region known as the Muskwa Anticlinorium, a major north-northwest–trending structure characterized by moderate folding and thrust faulting. The structure consists of Middle Proterozoic (Helikian) rocks of the Muskwa Assemblage, as well as Paleozoic rocks (Geological Survey of Canada Map 1343A; Geological Society of America, Geology of North America, Volume G-2, pages 111, 639). All belong to Ancestral North America (Geological Survey of Canada Map 1713A).
The Toro developed prospect is in the Aida Formation of the Muskwa Assemblage, which here consists of interbedded dolostone and slate, with thicker subunits of slate and carbonate (Geology, Exploration and Mining in British Columbia 1971; Geological Survey of Canada Memoir 373). The rocks are strongly folded about a northwest axis. Bedding strikes around 315 degrees and dips moderately southwest or locally northeast. The western part of the property is underlain by gently west-dipping clastics of the Cambrian Atan Group. The Aida Formation is intruded by at least three large diabase dikes, clearly Proterozoic because they are truncated by the sub-Cambrian unconformity. The dikes strike just west of north and dip steeply.
The mineralization is hosted in quartz-carbonate veins, most of which follow the margins of two of the dikes, or locally lie within them. The veins are exposed intermittently for over 1830 metres along the dikes and vary considerably in width and degree of mineralization. Chalcopyrite occurs mostly as lenses and stringers in the veins, but its intensity is erratic; some veins are essentially barren. The dikes and veins may extend for at least three kilometres farther south, towards the Churchill occurrence, as suggested by malachite visible in the cliffs (Assessment Report 6471).
The best vein is exposed for approximately 150 metres and is 2.5 metres wide on average but ranges up to 9 metres in width. Surface samples of the vein averaged 2.95 per cent copper over 2.4 metres (Geology, Exploration and Mining in British Columbia 1971). To explore the vein further, two adits were driven in 1966 and five holes were diamond drilled from them. Drill intersections at -25 metres in four of them averaged only 0.66 copper over 4.1 metres, indicating the variable and discontinuous grade of the mineralization (Geology, Exploration and Mining in British Columbia 1971).
In 1966, the Northern Miner reported that the deposit contains 180,000 tonnes grading at 8 per cent copper, although the sampling results given above suggest a much lower grade (National Mineral Inventory).
Work History
In 1966, Canex Aerial Exploration Ltd. conducted a detailed geological survey of the area, and 640 metres of trenching was completed. Because of the steep terrain, two short adits (total length, 24 metres) were driven to provide diamond drill stations. There was 211 metres of diamond drilling completed in five holes.
As part of a 1970 feasibility study, MacDonald Consultants calculated proven and probable reserves at 1,423,860 tonnes grading 3.42 per cent. In 1971, Chapman, Wood & Griswold calculated 'semi-proven' and probable reserves at 1,574,453 tonnes grading 3.38 per cent copper. Reserves were calculated to the lowest underground level; both studies conclude that the possibility of defining more reserves at depth is excellent (T. Schroeter, personal communication, 1997).
In 1976, J.E. Irwin carried out prospecting on the Jed 1 and 3 claims, likely covering the area of the main Toro occurrence, as well as the Churchill (MINFILE 094K 009) and Ho (MINFILE 094 029) copper occurrences within the Toro South claim. In 1983, Halferdahl and Associated Ltd. carried out a regional reconnaissance exploration program consisting of 150 soil samples taken along 10 traverses totalling 5 line-kilometres, and regional geological mapping at a scale of 1:250 000.In 1979 and 1980, Halferdahl & Associates Ltd. completed a regional program of soil sampling on the area as the Tuchodi property.
In 2005, Twenty-Seven Capital Corp. staked 400 claims and optioned two properties that are surrounded by its claims. The combined land package encompasses approximately 475 square kilometres and cover a number of mineral showings including two prospects that have received advanced exploration. The recently staked claims (Muskwa property) are wholly owned by Twenty-Seven Capital, without underlying interests. The agreement for the optioned Bronson (MINFILE 094K 027) and Toro (MINFILE 094K 050, this description) properties was signed with an arm's-length individual. Also in 2005, a four-person crew from Archer Cathro & Associates Ltd. conducted work over the Toro prospect and a total of 57 rock samples, 233 soil samples, 5 silt samples and 5 pan samples were collected. Chip samples (B374289 and B374339), from the Toro occurrence area yielded 7.44 and 8.23 per cent copper over 2.00 and 1.50 metres, respectively, whereas a select sample (B374338) assayed 29.8 per cent copper and 3.1 grams per tonne silver (Harrington, E. (2015-10-23): Technical Report on the Toro Property).
In 2006, Aries Resource Corp. completed a minor program of prospecting and rock sampling on the area as the Toro-Churchill property.
In 2011 and 2012, a program comprising interpretation of geophysical data, reconnaissance surveys to determine access, infrastructure and logistics to facilitate a future drill program, review areas of possible locations for the base camps to cover a major exploration program, limited sampling of the Neil vein (MINFILE 094K 040), and ‘ground truthing’ to facilitate and expand on the remote sensing interpretation done by ERSI Earth Resource Surveys. Extensive photographic work was done to better understand the difficulties and challenges facing the ongoing exploration planning and program design.
In 2014, a remote sensing study was undertaken for Aida Minerals Corp. to assess the mineral exploration potential of mineral tenures making up the Toro-Churchill (MINFILE 094K 009) property. The study utilized digital elevation models (DEMs) and RapidEye satellite imagery and was, in part, follow-up work to satellite imagery analysis performed in 2012. The objectives of the study were to prepare image maps suitable for future field work and, if possible, provide information on the occurrence of areas enriched in iron oxides.
In 2016, geological remote sensing and structural study was undertaken on behalf of A.R. Raven, who is currently assessing the mineral exploration potential of mineral tenures making up the Toro property. The study utilized digital elevation models (DEMs), Landsat 7 ETM, ASTER1, WorldView2 and PALSAR2 satellite imagery and was, in part, follow-up work to satellite imagery analysis performed in 2012.
In 2017, a minor program of prospecting and rock sampling was completed on the behalf of A. R. Raven.
In 2018, Fabled Copper Corp. completed a minor program of geological mapping, rock sampling and petrographic analysis on the Toro property. In 2020, a further program of prospecting, rock sampling and image analysis was completed on the property. Rock samples (Y646056 and Y646003) from the north and south ridges of the Toro occurrence area yielded values up to 4.37 and 2.57 per cent copper, respectively (Assessment Report 38880).
In 2021, Fabled Copper Corp., on the behalf of High Range Exploration Ltd., completed a minor program of prospecting, rock sampling and ASTER image analysis on the Toro property.