The JD-Hairy occurrence is located on an east-west trending ridge approximately 1.8 kilometres northwest of Mount Gordonia.
The area is underlain by volcanic rocks (dacite?) of the Upper Triassic Stuhini (Takla) Group. Rocks of the Lower Jurassic Toodoggone Formation, Hazelton Group occur nearby to the south.
Locally, quartz veins with pyrite occur in silicified intermediate to mafic volcanics.
In 1995, a grab sample (GB-8) assayed 18.5 grams per tonne gold and 143.2 grams per tonne silver, while another grab sample (GB-9) taken a short distance north yielded 0.92 gram per tonne gold (Assessment Report 24284).
Work History
In 1995, AGC Americas Gold Corp acquired 6 new claims totaling 120 units which tie onto the eastern boundary of their JD property (see 094E 171). This initial program was set up to sample gossans or zones of alteration seen on the property. Work was largely restricted to the Hairy in the north and Spur in the south. It resulted in the discovery of the JD-Hairy showing (094E 235). Work on the Spur occurred in the area of the Falcon A2 (094E 185) and Falcon A1 (094E 184).
In 2004, Stealth Minerals held the Gordo Group of claims which covered the Joanna occurrences and the Falcon occurrences (094E 185 and 185) to the south and Oxide Peak occurrences (094E 179, 180 and 181) to the west. Stealth collected 854 rock samples for analysis and 274 samples were taken PIMA rock spectroscopy for alteration identification (Assessment Report 27638). Ten silt and 30 soil samples were also taken.
Intense rock sampling was done in the area to the immediate south of JD-Hairy showing by Stealth Minerals in 2004.
In 2020, TDG Gold Corp. completed a 11.9 line-kilometre ground induced polarization survey on the area northwest of Oxide Peak and an airborne geophysical survey on the area as part of the Baker-Shasta-Oxide Peak property.
Refer to the Joanna West showing (094E 175) for details of the Joanna work History. The JD-Hairy appears to be within the northern boundary of the Joanna property that was worked on in the 1980s.