EMPR OF 2001-1; 2004-4
EMPR GEM 1971-63-71; 1973-456-463
EMPR EXPL 1975-E163-E167; 1976-E175-E177; 1977-E216-E217; 1978-E244-E246; 1979-265-267; 1980-421-436; 1982-330-345; 1983-475-488; 1984-348-357; 1985-C349-C362; 1986-C388-C414; 1987-C328-C346; 1988-C185-C194
EMPR FIELDWORK 1980, pp. 124-129; 1983, pp. 122-129, 135-141; 1982, pp. 125-127; 1983, pp. 137-138, 142-148; 1984, pp.139-145, 291-293; 1985, pp. 167-169, 299; 1987, pp. 111, 114-115
EMPR GEOLOGY 1977-1981, pp. 156-161
EMPR PF (Photogeologic Interpretation Map of the Northern Omineca area, (Oct. 1964), Canadian Superior Exploration Limited-in 94E General File)
GSC OF 306; 483
GSC P 80-1A, pp. 27-32
W MINER April, 1982
N MINER October 13, 1986
N MINER MAG March 1988, p. 1
GCNL #23(Feb.1), 1985; #165(Aug.27), 1986
IPDM Nov/Dec 1983
ECON GEOL Vol. 86, pp. 529-554, 1991
MIN REV September/October, 1982; July/August, 1986
WIN Vol.1, #7, June 1987
Rebagliati, C.M., Titley, E. (2020-05-14): Technical Report Summarizing Exploration Work on the JOY Project, Toodoggone Region, British Columbia, Canada
Rebagliati, C.M., Titley, E. (2020-05-14): Technical Report Summarizing Exploration Work on the JOY Project, Toodoggone Region, British Columbia, Canada (Revision 1)