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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  25-Jan-2021 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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NMI 094E6 Pb4
Name GORD 18, GORD, GORD 1-40, GORD 1-4, MUL, MUL 1-4, MET, MET 1-2, GORDO, LIVET Mining Division Omineca
BCGS Map 094E045
Status Prospect NTS Map 094E06E
Latitude 057º 29' 35'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 127º 02' 23'' Northing 6373968
Easting 617494
Commodities Silver, Zinc, Lead, Copper, Gold Deposit Types H05 : Epithermal Au-Ag: low sulphidation
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Stikine, Plutonic Rocks
Capsule Geology

The Gord 18 occurrence is located 3 kilometres northeast of Mount Gordonia, east of Mulvaney Creek, about 300 kilometres north of the community of Smithers.

The area lies within the Omineca-Cassiar Mountains in the north-central portion of the Toodoggone gold camp. The prospect is situated within a Mesozoic volcanic arc assemblage which lies along the eastern margin of the Intermontane Belt, a northwest-trending belt of Paleozoic to Tertiary sediments, volcanics and intrusions bounded to the east by the Omineca Belt and to the west and southwest by the Sustut and Bowser basins.

Devonian-Permian Asitka Group crystalline limestones are the oldest rocks exposed in the region. They are commonly in thrust contact with Upper Triassic Stuhini Group andesite flows and pyroclastic rocks. Stuhini volcanics have been intruded by the granodiorite to quartz monzonite Black Lake Suite of Early Jurassic age and are in turn unconformably overlain by or faulted against Lower Jurassic calcalkaline volcanics of the Toodoggone Formation (Hazelton Group).

The dominant structures in the area are steeply dipping faults which define a prominent regional northwest structural fabric trending 140 to 170 degrees. In turn, high angle, northeast-striking faults (approximately 060 degrees) appear to truncate and displace northwest-striking faults. Collectively these faults form a boundary for variably rotated and tilted blocks underlain by monoclinal strata.

The Gord 18 prospect is underlain by a thick sequence of volcanics rocks consisting of green and purple feldspar porphyritic andesite flows, cherty andesites and porphyritic andesitic pyroclastics, ranging from tuff to agglomerate (Assessment Report 5194). Outcrops consisting of pink monzonite dikes and small stocks are scattered around the Gord 18 prospect. A major fault intersection between an north and northwest-striking fault occurs about 290 metres south of the prospect.

Mineralization is part of a large gossanous area that can be traced for several tens of metres across a ridge. Mineralization consisting of chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite and pyrite occur in quartz veins. Alteration consists of associated envelopes of silicification, carbonate and argillic alteration, and oxidization and leaching. A quartz vein, 60 centimetres wide, contains pods of galena and sphalerite with minor chalcopyrite and was traced over a 3.66-metre section.

A 1.83-metre wide chip sample of this mineralization analyzed 16 grams per tonne silver, greater than 0.4 per cent zinc, 0.30 per cent lead and 0.10 per cent copper (Assessment Report 5194).

In 2004, a sample (192835) from the Gord 18 occurrence area yielded 0.544 gram per tonne gold, 52.7 grams per tonne silver, 0.177 per cent copper, 0.145 per cent lead and greater than 1.00 per cent zinc, whereas a sample (192836) of a rusty quartz vein (float?), taken to the southeast, assayed 4.657 grams per tonne gold, 32.8 grams per tonne silver and 0.109 per cent copper and a grab sample (192818) of propyliticaltered andesite with quartz-calcite veins hosting pyrite, chalcopyrite and malachite, located approximately 600 metres to the east, yielded 1.374 grams per tonne gold, 16.7 grams per tonne silver, 1.00 per cent copper and 0.107 per cent zinc (Assessment Report 27638).

In 2005, a chip sample (64343) over 0.1 metre of a bleached and silicified volcanic with minor pyrite, located on the edge of a gossanous zone to the southwest, assayed 1.43 grams per tonne gold and 47.3 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 28039).

Work History

In 1974, the Gord 1-46 claims were held by Union Miniere Exploration and Mining Corporation Limited. Geological mapping, an electromagnetic survey over 11.1 kilometres and a geochemical soil survey (293 samples) over 17.2 kilometers were carried out.

In 1980, Du Pont of Canada Exploration Limited collected silt and soil samples on their Mul 1 and 2 claims to the immediate east of the Gord showings (094E 051 and 52 (Gord 9)). In 1987, Beachview Resources conducted 207 kilometres of airborne magnetic and electromagnetic (VLF) geophysics over their Gord 1 and Met 1-2 claims, over the area of the Gord showings (Assessment Report 15997).

In 1995, AGC Americas Gold Corp acquired six new claims totaling 120 units, which tie onto the eastern boundary of their JD property (see 094E 171). This initial program was set up to sample gossans or zones of alteration seen on the property and included prospecting, geological mapping, geochemical (rock and soil) sampling and a 38.0 line-kilometre induced polarization survey.

In 2004, Stealth Minerals Ltd. held the Gordo Group of claims which covered the Joanna occurrences on the north, the Falcon occurrences (094E 185 and 185) on the south, the Oxide Peak occurrences (094E 179, 180 and 181) to the west and the Gord occurrence (094E 051 and 52) on the east. Stealth collected 854 rock samples for analysis and 274 samples were taken for PIMA rock spectroscopy for alteration identification. Ten silt and 30 soil samples were also taken; a number of samples were collected in the area of the Gord 18 showing (Assessment Report 27638).

In 2005, Stealth Minerals Ltd. completed a further program of prospecting, geological mapping and rock sampling on the Gordo-Too-Oxide property.

In 2014, a program of prospecting and geological mapping was completed on the area as the Tod property.

In 2016, Seven Devils Exploration Ltd. completed a program of prospecting and rock sampling on the area.

In 2018, Arcwest Exploration Inc. conducted a program of geological mapping and minor rock sampling on the area.

EMPR ASS RPT *5194, 15965, 15997, 24284, *27638, *28039, 34910, 36482, 38241
EMPR EXPL 1975-E163-E167; 1976-E175-E177; 1977-E216-E217; 1978-E244-E246; 1979-265-267; 1980-421-436; 1982-330-345; 1983-475-488; 1984-348-357; 1985-C349-C362; 1986-C388-C414; 1987-C328-C346; 1988-C185-C194
EMPR GEM 1969-103; 1971-63-71; 1973-456-463; 1974-313
EMPR GEOLOGY 1977-1981, pp. 156-161
EMPR FIELDWORK 1980, pp. 124-129; 1981, pp. 122-129, 135-141; 1982, pp. 125-127; 1983, pp. 137-138, 142-148; 1984, pp. 139-145, 291-293; 1985, pp. 167-169, 299; 1987, pp. 111, 114-115; 1989, pp. 409-415; 1991, pp. 207-216
EMPR MAP 61 (1985)
EMPR PF (Photogeologic Interpretation Map of the Northern Omineca area, Oct. 1964, Canadian Superior Exploration Limited-in 94E General File)
GSC OF 306; 483
GSC P 76-1A, pp. 87-90; 80-1A, pp. 27-32
GCNL #23(Feb.1), 1985; #165(Aug.27), 1986
ECON GEOL Vol. 86, pp. 529-554, 1991
IPDM Nov/Dec 1983
MIN REV September/October, 1982; July/August, 1986
N MINER October 13, 1986
N MINER MAG March 1988, p. 1
W MINER April, 1982
WIN Vol. 1, #7, June 1987
Diakow, L.J. (1990): Volcanism and Evolution of the Early and Middle Jurassic Toodoggone Formation, Toodoggone Mining District, British Columbia, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Western Ontario
Forster, D.B. (1984): Geology, Petrology and Precious Metal Mineralization, Toodoggone River Area, North-Central British Columbia, Unpub. Ph.D. Thesis, University of British Columbia