The Grapes showing is located on the area of the 1977 percussion drill program (Assessment Report 6452), approximately 9 kilometres north of Johanson Lake.
The regional geology is similar to that of the Nik occurrence (094D 109), which lies approximately 1 kilometre to the northwest.
Locally, the area is underlain by Middle Triassic to Lower Jurassic Takla Group volcanic rocks which have been intruded by an ultramafic body. This body is composed of dunite, peridotite, pyroxenite and hornblendite. A quartz diorite intrusion cuts through the ultramafic body. The south and southeast border of this zoned ultramafic complex, informally named the Wrede Creek ultramafic complex, is in direct contact with hornfelsed volcanics (Assessment Report 15194). The Takla rocks strike east-west and dip moderately to the south. These volcanics consist of massive andesitic, augite-rich, coarse pyroclastics and flows passing up into fine-grained tuffs and tuffaceous arenites intercalated with argillite and limestone units (Assessment Report 15194). Near the intrusion, these rocks have been hornfelsed to amphibolites.
Chalcopyrite and pyrite occur in calcite veins within volcanics, with pyrrhotite in epidote veins, with molybdenite as disseminations in diorite and as disseminations in the volcanics (Assessment Report 6452). Molybdenite also occurs with pyrite in quartz veins cutting metavolcanics (Assessment Report 6452).