The Ron occurrence is located approximately 4 kilometres east of Thutade Lake and 2 kilometres west of Kemess Creek, about 189 kilometres northwest of the community of Germansen Landing.
The area is underlain by Upper Triassic Stuhini Group volcanic flows, fragmental rocks and lesser sedimentary rocks. To the north, these rocks are intruded by the Lower Jurassic Black Lake granitic stock. To the south, clastics of the Mid- to Upper Cretaceous Sustut Group overlie the older rocks. The rocks are bounded to the east by the north trending Moose Valley fault.
Mineralization consists of disseminated chalcopyrite with associated pyrite and occurs in a silicified, sericitized and pyritized shear zone hosted within andesitic volcanics. The shear zone trends north-northeast and is traceable for more that 1 kilometre. A sample from this area assayed 0.114 per cent copper and 0.5 gram per tonne silver (Assessment Report 12485). Approximately 1 kilometre to the south along this zone is a quartz vein containing pyrite, chalcopyrite and galena.
In 1981, Sawyer Consultants conducted reconnaissance geologic mapping and prospecting on the Ron 3 to 6 claims and concluded that the claims are located in a geologic environment which may host low grade copper-silver-gold mineralization similar to the Kemess North developed prospect (094E 021) located 7.3 kilometres to the north-northeast, and quartz-sulphide mineralization similar to the Baker past producing mine (094E 026) located 37 kilometres to the north-northwest. In 1983, on behalf of Pacific Ridge Resources, a lithogeochemical and soil geochemical survey on the Ron 3 and 4 claims was completed; an estimated 33 line kilometres of soil sampling was conducted.
In 1991-92, the Nor and Cooke options, together with claims wholly-owned by Rio Algom Exploration Inc., form a contiguous property and adjoin the Kemess South Joint Venture property to the south. Work in 1991 consisted of geological mapping, soil geochemical sampling, induced polarization and magnetics surveying and diamond drilling. The purpose of this work was to delineate the westward extension of the adjacent Kemess South deposit and to test the undrilled portions of the Nor, Cooke, and Rio zones (094D 133), outlined in 1991. A total of 4519.8 metres of NQ wireline diamond drilling was completed in 18 holes from 18 setups. Six holes (92-24, 92-27 to 92-31) totalling 1184.7 metres were drilled to test the northern and western portions of the Cooke zone. The Cooke zone is predominantly underlain by phyllic-altered volcaniclastic rocks which are invaded by abundant dikes of feldspar porphyry monzodiorite, diorite and gabbro. Partially assimilated xenoliths of andesite and zones of hybrid intrusive-volcanic are common. Phyllic alteration is typically strong to intense (80 per cent sericite-quartz-pyrite) with ubiquitous disseminated pyrite averaging 1 per cent in the volcanic rocks. No significant, geochemically anomalous zones of copper or gold were intersected. Given the preponderance of intrusive bodies coupled with intensive alteration and assimilation of the volcanic rocks, it is likely that the Cooke zone is proximal to a significant pluton. Widely spaced drilling within and around the Nor, Cooke and Rio zones outlined in 1991, failed to locate significant copper-gold mineralization. As a result, all of the near-surface targets identified by geophysical surveys have been adequately tested by surface mapping and diamond drilling (Assessment Report 22886).