The Ser occurrence is located approximately 4 kilometres west-northwest of Fredrikson Peak and 7 kilometres east of Kemess Creek, about 181 kilometres northwest of the community of Germansen Landing.
The showing is hosted in Upper Triassic Stuhini Group volcanics. Regionally, the volcanic rocks are bounded to the west by the north trending Moose Valley fault. Across the Moose Valley fault lies a thick succession of clastics belonging to the Mid- to Upper Cretaceous Sustut Group. The Devonian-Permian Asitka Group and Early Jurassic Fredrikson Peak stock occur to the east of the showing.
Stratigraphically, intermediate volcanics grade upward into interbedded volcanics and cherty to carbonaceous sediments. These are overlain by cherts and rhyolites and are intruded by rocks ranging from granodiorites to diorites. The andesitic rocks are predominantly vesicular in the upper portions of the sequence, near the sediments, and more massive within the interbedded volcanics and sediments. The rocks locally strike east and dip 15 to 50 degrees to the north.
Pyrite and pyrrhotite mineralization is related to a gossanous zone within the intermediate volcanics near the intrusion. The sulphides are found in all rock types in varying quantities. Minor amounts of chalcopyrite and malachite occur in massive andesites within the interbedded volcanic and sedimentary sequence. A sample from the mineralized massive andesite assayed 2.8 grams per tonne silver and 0.3 per cent copper (Assessment Report 9273).
The area was originally explored in 1973 by Union Miniere Explorations and Mining Corp. Ltd. in association with the Jim 1-2 showing (094E 113) located 1.7 kilometres to the north. In 1974, a program of detailed geological mapping, prospecting and geochemical soil sampling was completed.
In 1980, the area was staked under the Aura claim of Serem Ltd. and a program of geochemical silt sampling with minor prospecting and mapping was completed. The following year, Du Pont of Canada Exploration Ltd. completed a program of geological mapping, prospecting and stream sediment sampling. In 1987, Skylark Resources Ltd. completed a preliminary exploration program of regional geology and prospecting combined with soil sampling and lithogeochemistry on the Jim 1 and 2 claims.