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File Created: 16-Sep-1991 by David M. Melville (DMM)
Last Edit:  03-Jun-2021 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)

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Name KELLY Mining Division Omineca
BCGS Map 094D040
Status Showing NTS Map 094D08E
Latitude 056º 23' 16'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 126º 02' 05'' Northing 6253186
Easting 683050
Commodities Molybdenum Deposit Types L05 : Porphyry Mo (Low F- type)
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Quesnel, Stikine
Capsule Geology

The Kelly occurrence is located approximately 15 kilometres southeast of Dortatelle Peak, 3 kilometres north of the Mesilinka River.

Mineralization occurs as disseminated molybdenite within pegmatites (Property File - Canadian Superior Exploration Limited, Maps from Company Files, c. 1973).

The occurrence is hosted in pegmatites cutting Early Cretaceous (or later?) granodiorites that intrude the Early Jurassic Hogem batholith. The batholith has recently been re-defined, from mapping to the south, to be part of the Mesozoic Hogem Plutonic Complex. Mapping in this area would probably indicate that the granodiorites are also part of the complex. Upper Triassic volcanics of the Takla Group lie just to the north of these intrusives.

The Takla Formation in the area consists of intermediate flows and tuffs, interbedded with minor amounts of calcareous fragmental and clastic sedimentary rocks. The Hogem batholith, in this area, is reported to be a coarse-grained granite. Within the contact areas, both volcanic and intrusive rock are cut by pegmatite and aplite dikes, and quartz veins.

No work has been reported on the Kelly since Canadian Superior Exploration indicated the showings on their maps circa 1973.

EMPR PF (In 094D General File - *Canadian Superior Exploration Limited, Maps from Company Files, c. 1973)
EMPR OF 1992-11
GSC OF 342
GSC P 76-29